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Everything posted by live4net

  1. I Just install by: npm i node-steam-bot-manager and don't edit any files from bot manager and trade offer manager. Bot accept offer sucessful, but can't handle receivedOfferChanged Here is all code: var BotManager = require('node-steam-bot-manager'); function InventoryBot() { var botsManager = new BotManager();// Create new instance of the BotManager botsManager.on('receivedOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) { console.log('--> STATUS:' + offer.id + ':' + offer.tradeID + ': (OLD: ' + oldState + ') TO (NEW:' + offer.state + ')'); }); botsManager.on('newOffer', function (activeAccount, offer) { if (offer.itemsToGive.length == 0 && offer.itemsToReceive.length > 0) { offer.accept(true, function(err, status) { if(err) { console.log('Error: ' + err); console.log('ACCEPTED'); } }); } else { offer.cancel(function (err) { if (err) console.log(err); }); } }); botsManager.infoDebug("Starting Bot Manager"); botsManager.startManager(function (err) { if (err) botsManager.errorDebug("Failed to start Bot Manager"); }); } new InventoryBot(); module.exports = InventoryBot; Bot accepts offer, and send output to console: STATUS:undefined:undefined: (OLD: [object Object]) TO (NEW:undefined)
  2. I need help with receivedOfferChanged. It don't receive offer.id and status. Below is my code and output from console. var botsManager = new BotManager(); botsManager.on('receivedOfferChanged', function(offer, oldState) { console.log('--> STATUS ' + offer.id + ':' + offer.tradeID + ': (OLD:' + oldState + ') TO (NEW:' + offer.state + ')'); }); Output: --> STATUS undefined:undefined: (OLD:[object Object]) TO (NEW:undefined)
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