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Everything posted by Vin4er

  1. Thank you once again for all the information and help!
  2. Yes, Thank youI began to understand precisely this assetid I found a way to get on the correct asseid obtained in JSON format bot equipment, digging in the property "rgInventory", for ClassID and InstanceID If I have correctly translated the information from here https://dev.doctormckay.com/topic/332-identifying-steam-items/ That is what I do - right?
  3. Good day! I do all the simple. Hmm, what am I doing wrong? again - error 26... I somewhere something missed?
  4. mm ..yesterday failed to get to the bot, I will try to check the accounts today. But - I start with this step, because recently bandaged account and keyapi and secrets
  5. hmm.. I am using: if(winItem && winItem.appid && winItem.contextid && winItem.assetid ){ newOffer.addMyItem({...}) } undefined values are discarded...( After work - I be try to deduce the value ..But I used and the constants: appid == 730 (csgo)context id == 2 (csgo) Maybe data types matter (Number / String) ?
  6. Hi!I'am Serg. I apologize in advance for the bad english ..Very need your help! I have, for over a week prosihodit a similar situation with the bot - error "26" I started trying to fix. Rechecked all constants - all true. I've updated to version 2 Trade Manager, slightly corrected by the new specification. However, the error "26" is not lost The old version of the working code - again, no luck with the "26" ... What happened?I have panic) Maybe something I do not see panic and wonder?) How can I use assetid - is not correct? Here is the code screenshots AND Another unsuccessful attempt
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