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McKay Development


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  1. Hey there! Is it possible by creating a custom POST request, node-steamcommunity will supply me with the needed cookies? Should I use postman to see what's needed? Besides from that, I need to know where I should request it, what about a RESTful API of some sort? If someone would help me with all this it would be amazing, I'm at a dead end. Thanks!
  2. Hey there, I'm not sure if this is the right section to post something like this, but I'm in need of a bot that basically purchases a game and send it as gift to users that bought that game (from me) in another website. Since Valve decided to erase the gift system, I'd need a bot that makes what I do manually (purchase, send as gift, etc.) There's a "platform" doing something similar (or identical): http://playxedeu.com/ Any ideas? Thanks!
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