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McKay Development


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    TkrZ got a reaction from aatmjeets in [node-globaloffensive] Successive calls to GlobalOffensive.InspectItem not seeming to work   
    Update after leaving it for a day - you were correct with the rate limiting - i'm now waiting 30 seconds between each request just to be safe but it now iterates through my array and checks each item correctly, returning the pattern index and wear float Many thanks for your work on the node modules, it's greatly appreciated
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    TkrZ got a reaction from Dr. McKay in [node-globaloffensive] Successive calls to GlobalOffensive.InspectItem not seeming to work   
    Update after leaving it for a day - you were correct with the rate limiting - i'm now waiting 30 seconds between each request just to be safe but it now iterates through my array and checks each item correctly, returning the pattern index and wear float Many thanks for your work on the node modules, it's greatly appreciated
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