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  1. It's 8 when I call changePassword. Request to email works good. Found out that changePassword works, if account using without Mobile Authenicator. If the mobile authenticator is on, I get 8 even if I send 2fa token as "code".
  2. Hi! I'm tryng to use changePassword function, but it returns eresult: 8 It doesn't works, or I just use it wrong? Thanks. There is the sample code which I use: client.requestPasswordChangeEmail(password, function(err) { console.log("Req: "+ err); var rl = require('readline').createInterface({ "input": process.stdin, "output": process.stdout }); rl.question('Code: ', function(code) { client.changePassword(password, newpassword, code, function(err) { console.log(err);} ); console.log(code); rl.close(); }); });
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