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Everything posted by NicoB23

  1. Hello good day, I am new to coding. mainClient.on('webSession', function(sessionID, cookies) { mainManager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) { if (err) { // Handle Error. console.log(err); process.exit(1); // Exit, if we cannot connect, since we can't do anything. return; } mainManager.getInventoryContents(753, 6, true, function(err, inv) { // Load Inventory if (err) { // Handle Error. console.log('Error, in loading our inventory.') return; } if (inv.length == 0){ console.log('Inventory is empty, add some items(cheap ones, like trading cards or gems)') } var firstOffer = mainManager.createOffer(config.accounts.account2.tradelink); // Intialize Trade Offer var itemname = inv[0].market_hash_name.toLowerCase(); console.log('The item in which we are using is a/an ' + itemname) firstOffer.addMyItem(inv[0]); firstOffer.setMessage(SECURITY_CODE.toString()); // Set a message, so no one can slip in a trade, and try to steal your items. firstOffer.send((err, status) => { // Send offer. if (status == 'pending') { // Check if it needs to be confirmed. mainCommunity.acceptConfirmationForObject(config.accounts.account1.identity_secret, firstOffer.id, function(err) { // Try to accept Trade if (err) { // Handle, any accepting errors. console.log('Error accepting Trade.'); return; } else { // It worked fine, Now the farm begins. console.log('Trade offered. Counter is at : ' + counter); } }); } }); }); }); // Set Cookies. mainCommunity.setCookies(cookies); }); If one of the err fails, It cannot return to first. I mean is it stock like example " Error accepting Trade" . Like that. I just want to return until it goes to console.log('Trade offered. Counter is at : ' + counter);. Thank you for the help.
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