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Space Engineer

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Everything posted by Space Engineer

  1. Excellent, thank you for the help! Im now just supplying the "client" information in the request. Thanks again!
  2. In the main file, yes. client.setOption("promptSteamGuardCode", false); const logOnOptions = { accountName: config.username, password: config.password, rememberPassword: true, twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.sharedSecret) }; client.logOn(logOnOptions);
  3. Hello mates! This might be a weird question, but I'm having trouble getting "client.getPersonas" to function in a module.export. Here is my file my problem is located in: (Problem is in the exports.GetSteamName) var exports = module.exports = {}; var SteamUser = require('steam-user'); var client = new SteamUser(); const SteamRepAPI = require('steamrep'); exports.CheckRep = function (SteamId64) { return new Promise(resolve => { SteamRepAPI.isScammer(SteamId64, function (err, result) { if (err) { console.log("Error Checking SteamREP for " + SteamId64); resolve(true); // true == Not a scammer } else { if (result) { console.log("eww thats gross") resolve(false); } else { console.log("Got Not-Scammer!") resolve(true); // true == Not a scammer } } }); }) } exports.GetSteamName = function (SteamID) { return new Promise(resolve => { client.getPersonas([SteamID], function (personas) { persona = personas[SteamID.getSteamID64()]; name = persona ? persona.player_name : ("[" + SteamID.getSteamID64() + "]"); resolve(name) }) }) } What happens is once the program gets to"client.getPersonas([steamID], function (personas) {" , it seems to run over everything inside of the function(personas). Including the "resolve" If I were to change exports.GetSteamName to: exports.GetSteamName = function (SteamID) { return new Promise(resolve => { client.getPersonas([SteamID], function (personas) { persona = personas[SteamID.getSteamID64()]; name = persona ? persona.player_name : ("[" + SteamID.getSteamID64() + "]"); resolve(name) }) console.log("Fired?") }) } I will get back "Fired?" in console. The problem is present in another file I am using for Chat messages.The problem is not present in "CheckRep". This could just be me not understanding how module.exports works exactly as this is still a somewhat new concept for me.CheckRep, however, works as expected and that's what I'm getting caught up on. I think it could be that "SteamUser" and "client" are being called more than expected (I'm declaring them in multiple files).SteamRepAPI is only declared in this file. I have resorted to moving the function into the main file, which works as expected. I would greatly prefer it to function in this file. Taken from package.json:"steam-user": "^3.28.2", Any help is greatly appreciated, Thanks!
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