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  1. Alright, thank you for your response. This helps me realise I'm going in the wrong direction. All the best
  2. I've been researching for the past 2-3 hours about generating in-game screenshots/images of CSGO items. (The type where you inspect them) The *only* thing I've found is a little paragraph under the title 'Console Commands' here: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Counter-Strike:_Global_Offensive_Economy_Items I'm looking to add an in-game screenshot feature to my website coming out soon. Services that offer this screenshotting feature that is generated in the website: - metjm.net - csgro.com - csgo.gallery - cs.money (They also offer a pretty sweet 3D option as well as shown here: https://3d.cs.money/?t=5&link=4pzIYq3) - opskins.com (Used to when they were still around) It seems very hush-hush online. I cannot find anything - no libraries - nothing about this sort of thing. Does doctormckay's library offer the ability to do this? Can I be pointed in the right direction to build my own? Thanks for taking the time to consider my question
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