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Everything posted by TheRedMelon

  1. Doesn't work, BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(client.SkinData.paintwear), 0) just leaves it as a single, showing only 6 digits after the decimal point.
  2. First of all I'm using C#, not node.js; I'm not sure where to ask so I thought I'd try here. I have the 'SkinData.paintwear' value as a uint from CS:GO. I'd like to show it as an accurate 16 decimal place value, but I can't figure out how. So far I have: Convert.ToDouble(BitConverter.ToSingle(BitConverter.GetBytes(client.SkinData.paintwear), 0)) But this returns only 15 decimal places, and the 15th is rounded. How can I get the extra decimal place?
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