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  1. I'm sorry, but I don't understand how to replace it, where? thank you
  2. Set language? I didn't set any language, i have a default english. When i try call community.getUserInventoryContents(steam_id_of_bot, 730, 2, true, (err, inventory) => {console.log(inventory)}); i didn't get incpect link, only name, hash_market_name, marketable, tradedable etc. I am doing something wrong? Could you tell me in which class i can get an inspect link? thank you very much
  3. Hello, so, firt i must say thank you for this nodejs library. I using it, but i have problem: Its possible to get inspect link/wear of skin, what have a bot in inventory? tested it, but on received items etc. doest have any inspect link or wear value :/ Thank you so much for any help and have a nice day
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