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Posts posted by Midmines

  1. I want to create bot with automatic sending spesific trading card with spesific input

    //the conversation
    A: !badges 570 2
    BOT: Sending 2sets of Dota 2
    A: !badges 440 5
    BOT: Sending 5sets of Team Fortress 2
    //my spesific input
    client.on("friendMessage", function(steamID, message) {
    	var msg;
    	if (steamID == account.owner){
    		else if (msg = message.match(/^!badges(\d+) (\d+))) {
    			var appID = msg[1];
    			var count = msg[2];
    			client.chatMessage(steamID, "...");

    Can anyone help me to get the code?


  2. Yes, it's possible to have "inputs" in a message or command. 


    To do so, you'll have to learn about regex.


    Here's an example:

    //Act on chat messages & commands
    client.on('friendMessage', (steamID, message) => {
      //Command place holder
      var cmd;
      //Does the message match our buy command 
      if(cmd = message.match(/^!buy (\d+) (\D+)/i)) {
        //The amount to buy (input string to number)
        var amount = Number(cmd[1]);
        //The item to buy (input string)
        var item = cmd[2];
        //Log the regex values
        console.log(`User ${steamID} would like to purchase ${amount} of ${item}`);
        //Call your function that takes these two values as arguments.
        sellItem(steamID, amount, item);

    In the example above we're looking for a buy command match. The string has to start with !buy, contain a number & a set of characters. For numbers only we use 'd' & for characters we use 'D'. The number is the amount of an item to buy, while the charaters is the item's name. We can access these values by using the following notation cmd[1]. Here 1 is the first regex match & cmd[2] is the second one.


    The (), \ & + all have different uses, escpeially when it comes to matching something from a string using regex. You can read more about those used in the example above here.


    I hope this helps! 

    Big thanks to you master

  3. I am new in node js, i start 2 days ago.
    Is that possible to create multiple specific input message?

    steam chat
    a: hello
    bot: !mymoney, !checkname [gameid]
    a: !checkname 440
    bot: Team Fortress 2
    a: !checkname 570
    bot: Dota 2
    node.js code
    client.on("friendMessage", function(steamID, message) {
      if (message == "!mymoney") {
        client.chatMessage(steamID, duitgw)
      else if (message == "!checkname"){
        if (message.line2 == "440"){ //like this
        else if (message.line2 == notnumber){ //another condition
        else if (message.line2 == isnt set){ //another condition
        client.chatMessage(steamID, "!mymoney, !checkgame [gameid]")

    edit: i use comment for highlight

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