I am new in node js, i start 2 days ago. Is that possible to create multiple specific input message?
steam chat
a: hello
bot: !mymoney, !checkname [gameid]
a: !checkname 440
bot: Team Fortress 2
a: !checkname 570
bot: Dota 2
node.js code
client.on("friendMessage", function(steamID, message) {
if (message == "!mymoney") {
client.chatMessage(steamID, duitgw)
else if (message == "!checkname"){
if (message.line2 == "440"){ //like this
else if (message.line2 == notnumber){ //another condition
else if (message.line2 == isnt set){ //another condition
client.chatMessage(steamID, "!mymoney, !checkgame [gameid]")
edit: i use comment for highlight