My bad, i should have explained the surrounding code. The idea is to trade items to the bot with the least amount of items in the inventory. I have a function which will return the index of the TradeOfferManager from the account with the least amount of items, which works 100%. The TradeOffer gets sent without any error, but from a different TradeOfferManager than planned. Is it a problem that these TradeOfferManagers use the same SteamCommunity instance?
let x = getTradeOfferManagerIndex();
console.log(x); //correct index
let manager = managers[x];
console.log(managers[x].steamID.getSteamID64()); //confirmed bot with least amount of items
let offer = managers[x].createOffer(new SteamID(steamId), token);
offer.getUserDetails((err, me, them) => {
console.log(me.personaName); //steamname of a different bot
console.log(managers[x].steamID.getSteamID64()); //still correct steamId
//user gets offer from the bot with me.personaName