Thanks for the prompt response.
I'm making the withdraw request from a website. When a user clicks on an item it withdraws it from the bot's inventory, which should mean the steam user is logged on. Here's a log:
{"message":"Logged into steam as **********","level":"info"}
{"message":"Currently 0,09€ Steam Wallet credit. ","level":"info"}
{"message":"Is limited: false. Is cBanned false.\n Can Invite Friends: true, Is Locked: false","level":"info"}
{"message":"Client Connected as WEBSITE_USER.","level":"debug"}
{"message":"User WEBSITE_USER has a wallet of 45 eur","level":"info"}
{"message":"Session Initialized.","level":"debug"}
{"message":"Cookies, sessionid=5***,steamLogin=7****,steamLoginSecure=7****","level":"debug"}
{"message":"Trade cookies set. API KEY: 5*****","level":"info"}
{"message":"Updating Inventory collection...","level":"debug"}
{"message":"Length of __BOT__ items: 439","level":"debug"}
{"message":"Updated Inventory for Bot with id: 7****","level":"info"}
WEBSITE_USER wants to withdraw assetid
{"message":"TradeOffer: 3811117774 true","level":"debug"}
Error: Must be logged in before trying to do anything with confirmations
The withdraw happened a while (30sec?) after I started the server.
This is how I set the cookies:
this.client.on('webSession', (sessionid: any, cookies: any) => {
logger.debug('Session Initialized.');
logger.debug(`Cookies, ${cookies}`);
this.manager.setCookies(cookies, (err: any) => {
/* Cannot set cookies on, as it is still limited account */
if (err) {
logger.error(`Unable to set trade cookies: ${err}`);
// process.exit(1);
}`Trade cookies set. API KEY: ${this.manager.apiKey}`);
/* Gets all of the Bot's inventory and stores it into inventory Collection
Momentarily only for the Bot's Dota 2 inventory. */
/* Accepts all friend requests. Logs unfriends. */
/* Listens to a chat message from a user. Currently supports only !help */
/* Accepts all pending requests and logs all messages
that occured while bot was offline */
/* Logs all new offers, and accepts only if its a donation
or the trader is the admin*/
});;, process.env.STEAM_IDENTITY_SECRET);
and this is the withdraw implementation
public sendWithdrawTrade(partner: any, credits: any, assetid: any, gameid: any, cb: Function) {
console.log(assetid, gameid);
const offer = this.manager.createOffer(partner);
this.manager.getInventoryContents(gameid, RequestConfig.contextid.GAMES, true, (err: any, inv: any) => {
if (err) {
return logger.error(`Failed while fetching inventory with ${err}`);
const foundItem = inv.find((item: any) => item.assetid === assetid);
if (foundItem) {
offer.setMessage('Withdraw item.');
offer.send((offerError: any, status: any) => {
cb(offerError, (status === 'sent' || status === 'pending'),, foundItem);
} else {
return cb(new Error('Could not find item'), false);
Maybe it has something to do with the web request not sending the cookies through the socket, but I doubt it...
This also fires (as it appears in the log above):
/* Fires if succesfully logged in */
this.client.on('loggedOn', () => {`Logged into steam as ${this.client.steamID}`);
// Sets the Bot status to 'Looking To Trade'
// = Dota 2;
// Can set only free games. Or paid games that Bot Owns.
Sorry for the long reply, don't really know where to go from here.
One thing to mention is that the offers are stuck on `Waiting Mobile Confirmation` or something when I check them manually through Steam. Thanks!