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Posts posted by E46

  1. Hey,

    So from reading my title I know you would maybe just wanna answer directly with a No.

    But would it be possible to extract the trustfactor value/rating? (even when you got prime enabled already)

    Cause when you start a game with others in a lobby they can see if you have green/nowarning, orange or red trustfactor. So I was wondering if perhaps this value could also be retrieved somehow using node-globaloffensive?


  2. 19 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

    I don't see any reason why that should be the case. The only reason I could figure that would happen is that it doesn't clean up some timer or something, but every instance where it emits error, it also calls _disconnect, which cleans up after itself.

    Do you know what particular error code(s) cause this?



    Might be an issue with my code actually. This is what I've got currently as start/stop function:

    function startBot(steamUsername, steamPassword) {
    	if(typeof activeBots[steamUsername] !== 'undefined' && activeBots[steamUsername]) {
    	activeBots[steamUsername] = createBot(steamUsername, steamPassword);
    function stopBot(steamUsername) {
    	if(typeof activeBots[steamUsername] !== 'undefined' && activeBots[steamUsername]) {
    	    activeBots[steamUsername].logOff(); // logout
    	    delete activeBots[steamUsername]; // clear memory?
    	    log('bot stopped', steamUsername);



    When I run a test like this, it always seem to leave the SteamUser class in memory forever,  Even though they exit with error 34:

    async function runTest1() {
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account1', '');
    	startBot('account2', '');
    	startBot('account3', '');
    	await sleep(30000);
    	await sleep(200000);




  3. Hello,

    What is the proper way to remove/clear a steamUser class from memory after it has run into the error event?

    If the logOn(); was successful and I call the logOff() and then delete the var it seems to get cleared properly or picked up by the GC at least. with an error this doesn't seem the case and hangs around in the memory forever. (tested with --inspect)

    (I know delete might not work if it is referenced somewhere else but its not. Also I understand that it won't get cleared instantly but might be picked up by the garbage collector correct? but even after leaving it idle for a long time afterwards with no running bots the steamUser in the memory never gets cleared)

    Or am I doing something obviously wrong in the code? Any help would be appreciated.

    SteamUser: 4.13.2
    NodeJS: v12.16.1

    const SteamUser = require('steam-user');
    var activeBots = {};
    var botOptions = {
    	promptSteamGuardCode: false,
    	singleSentryfile: false,
    	autoRelogin: true,
    	//localAddress: '',
    	dataDirectory: null,
    function createBot(steamUsername, steamPassword) {
        var bot = new SteamUser(botOptions);
        *	Bot Functions
    	bot.steamLogin = function () {
    			'accountName': steamUsername,
    			'password': steamPassword,
        *	Bot Events
        bot.on('loggedOn', function(details) {
        	log('loggedOn successful', steamUsername);
    		bot.gamesPlayed([730]); // csgo
        	log('loggedOn gamesPlayed successful', steamUsername);
        bot.on('error', function(err) {
        	switch(err.eresult) {
        		case 5:
        			log('error: invalid password');
        		case 84:
        			log('error: rate limit exceeded');
        		case 6:
        			log('error: logged in elsewhere');
        			log('error: ' + err.eresult, steamUsername);
        	// stop bot on any error
    	return bot;
    function startBot(steamUsername, steamPassword) {
    	activeBots[steamUsername] = createBot(steamUsername, steamPassword);
    function stopBot(steamUsername) {
    	if(typeof activeBots[steamUsername] !== 'undefined' && activeBots[steamUsername]) {
    	    //await activeBots[steamUsername].logOff(); // logOff is not async function?
    	    activeBots[steamUsername].logOff(); // logout, but if the bot ran into an error its not logged in
    	    delete activeBots[steamUsername]; // seems to work, but not if it ran into an error
    	    log('bot stopped', steamUsername);
    *	Logging
    function log(message, steamUsername = false) {
    	if (steamUsername) {
    		console.log('[' + steamUsername + '] ' + message);
    	} else {
    // testing
    async function runTest1() {
    	startBot('', '');
    	await sleep(5000);
    	await sleep(200000);
    function sleep(ms) {
      return new Promise((resolve) => {
        setTimeout(resolve, ms);
    console.log('end of file');


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