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Posts posted by EaGLE

  1. I found out that when API key is taken from my account.

    If the privacy of the steam friends I have is set to friends only,when I do a API call to the endpoint "GetPlayerSummaries" even though their privacy must be "friends only"(2). the endpoint sends me data which tells their 'communityvisibilitystate' is 3 because they have set their privacy to friends only,and my account is a friends of thier's.So I gather if i have a steam publisher web api key this wont happen.I did try to this but steam asked to pay fee and something about taxes it was really overwhelming so i wanted to know is taking a steam publisher web api key is the right way or just created a new account with no friends and taking a web api key from that?.Please help me out.Any help regarding this is appriciated.Thank you.

  2. 7 hours ago, Dr. McKay said:

    They're using steamcommunity.com's CSS to render the levels.

    Where can i access steamcommunity.com's CSS

    53 minutes ago, 4049_1572836826 said:

    class every 10 lvl with bg or img and u get e.g. . if class lvl_20 end 20 on javascript set if from 20 to 29 lvl and lvl if is 25, add class to div around lvl to lvl 20 img shape.

    I take shapes from this site.


    only change png number, site have lvls shape from lvl 100-4999

    if (lvl >= 0 && lvl <= 9) {
        document.getElementById("lvl").style.border = "2px solid #9b9b9b" //lvl 1 to 99 dont want img bcs only circle
    } else if (lvl >= 10 && lvl <= 19) {
        here same style border ... 
    } else if (lvl >= 20 && lvl <= 29) {
    } else if (lvl >= 30 && lvl <= 39) {
    } else if (lvl >= 40 && lvl <= 49) {
    } else if (lvl >= 50 && lvl <= 59) {
    } else if (lvl >= 60 && lvl <= 69) {
    } else if (lvl >= 70 && lvl <= 79) {
    } else if (lvl >= 80 && lvl <= 89) {
    } else if (lvl >= 90 && lvl <= 99) {
    } else if (lvl >= 100 && lvl <= 109) {
        document.getElementById("lvl").style.backgroundImage = "url('lvl_100.png')"; //this change background lvl div to lvl shape with color
        document.getElementById("lvl").style.backgroundPosition = "0px 40px"; //position of background if u use steamlvlup pngs
        document.getElementById("lvl").style.border = "none";
    } ....


    How is the background position decided ? How is it relative to the level of the player.?

  3. As of my pervious question relating to the same steam levels.I was surfing around some websites which show the steam player information using steam's web api . 

    I found something in common.They all had a class to a "div " or  "span" of "friendPlayerLevel" and according to the levels also had a class of "lvl_plus_50" or classes respective to the levels.

    I did not quite understand how multiple different websites have the same symantic going on.And one more thing which I found in common was 

    this url 'steamcommunity-a.akamai.net'

    which is used to fetch the background image for steam levels.

    Can anyone please explain to me.Whats all this


    The websites are steamrep.com and steamdb.com and also steamcommunity.com

  4. 1 hour ago, PonyExpress said:
                           //    0         10        20            30            40          50        60         70      80           90    
        let colors = ["Gray""Red""Orange""Yellow""Green""Blue""Lilac""Pink""Cherry""Brown"];
        client.on("friendMessage", (SENDERMSG=> {
            client.getSteamLevels([SENDER], (ERRCURRENTLEVEL=> {
                if (!ERR) {
                    console.log("The color of your level is " + colors[Math.floor(CURRENTLEVEL[SENDER] % 100 / 10)]);

    can you explain it..please? i do not know what kind of api or package you are using or what does the code mean

  5. I want to retrieve a user's friend list with their avatar and steam name.

    There is a method GetFriendList() from the web API .But it only returns the steamid's of the friends and a unix timestamp from when the user is a friend.

    I was wondering is there a method or a npm package which gets the user's friend's list with their avatar and steam name.I have been all over steam web API documentation,I was unable to find this type of method.Any help is appriciated.Thank YOU

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