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Everything posted by LASTPUNISHER

  1. Another question then, how is it possible I could add two command triggers to one command in one usage for your commands_triggers code? https://forums.alliedmods.net/showthread.php?p=1850358 One you published here.
  2. Hi, I'm not even a little familiar with coding, but I've got my own stuff on hand ready, and I need something quickly. I've a plugin that triggers other commands with a single one. Here comes my question, I've configured a "!bagis" command to send 200 in-game credits to the warden in JB mode, and also write "Console: The warden has received a bonus for their stay." as an in-game-hud message. What I want is to add the name of the code user to the message that pops up prior to the usage of the command, and not - Console. EDIT: What I need more exactly is to make the message show the name of the user whoever uses the command. https://prnt.sc/ta4gs2
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