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TheM's Achievements

  1. I found out that the easiest way, at least for me, is getting it from Steam API. I just get the ID from client.steamID.getSteamID64() and then fetch the api page like this https://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v2/?key=${process.env.STEAMAPIKEY}&steamids=${steamID64}
  2. Put it like this: client.on('loggedOn', () => { client.setPersona(1); client.gamesPlayed(`B>${csgoBuy}:1 CSGO`, true); }); Should work :D
  3. I have my Shared Secret provided in the login details, so what should I do? const loginDetails = { accountName: `x`, password: `x`, twoFactorCode: steamTotp.generateAuthCode(`x`), rememberPassword: true, machineName: 'x', clientOS: 20 }; Can the problem be in syntax? I wonder if manually assigning new code to the loginDetails.twoFactorCode like this: loginDetails.twoFactorCode = steamTotp.generateAuthCode(`x`); user.logOn(loginDetails); I'll try that and come back Well it works, thanks
  4. Hey! So I tried making a bot, that would run 24/7 and when he gets kicked off the account (I'm playing smth) it will wait random delay, and try to relog. This is my code for handling the disconnect and errors: user.on('error', (err) => { log(`${err}`, 'err'); if(err == 'Error: LoggedInElsewhere') return relogAfterDelay(); }); user.on('disconnected', (resultCode, message) => { const error = enums.EResult[resultCode]; if(error === 'LoggedInElsewhere' || error === 'AlreadyLoggedInElsewhere' || error === 'NotLoggedOn') return relogAfterDelay(); log(`${loginDetails.accountName} | ${error} | Disconnect message: ${message}`, 'err'); }); And here is my relogAfterDelay function: function relogAfterDelay(){ const delay = Math.round(1200000 * Math.random()); log(`${loginDetails.accountName} | Disconnected! Relogging in ${Math.round(delay/1000)} second(s)!`, 'inf'); setTimeout(() => { log(`Relogging...`, 'inf'); user.logOn(loginDetails); }, delay); } These are the logs I got: 11/27/2022 11:24:46 INF Logged in as LOGIN (STEAMID). 11/27/2022 11:24:46 INF Game idle started. 11/27/2022 11:24:48 ERR Error: LoggedInElsewhere 11/27/2022 11:24:48 INF LOGIN | Disconnected! Relogging in 327 second(s)! 11/27/2022 11:30:15 INF Relogging... Steam Guard App Code: I've read that if you ask to login in 30 seconds delay from logging in with the guard code you will need to wait/pass next one manually, but as you can see the code waited more than 5 minutes, and it still asked for code.
  5. @Dr. McKay I seem to have the same problem. I tried opening new ticket, and it didn't open so im posting it here: module.exports = function(accountDetails, accountSettings, nickname, accountID, games){ this.client = new SteamUser(); this.community = new SteamCommunity(); let csgo = new GlobalOffensive(this.client); this.logOnOptions = { accountName: accountDetails.login, password: accountDetails.password, rememberPassword: true, machineName: machineName, clientOS: 16, dontRememberMachine: false, rememberPassword: true } if(accountDetails.sharedSecret) this.logOnOptions.twoFactorCode = SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(accountDetails.sharedSecret); this.client.setOption("promptSteamGuardCode", false); this.client.setOption("autoRelogin", true); this.client.logOn(this.logOnOptions); this.client.on('loggedOn', () => { ... }); this.client.on('webSession', (sessionId, cookies) => { log(`webSession found.`, this.login); this.community.setCookies(cookies); log(`Cookies set.`, this.login); if(identitySecret){ this.community.startConfirmationChecker(10000, accountDetails.identitySecret); log(`Confirmation checker started.`, this.login); } }); } And all I get is:
  6. Error: Cannot kick other session What may cause this? This is my code: app.js client.on('error', (error) => { log(`Error occured! Details: ${error}`); setTimeout(() => { client.logOff(); client.logOn(loginDetails); setOptions(client); log(`Account is playing in elsewhere, performing kick and relogging!`); client.kickPlayingSession((error) => { if(error) { log(`Error while trying to relog! Killing application...`); process.exit(1); return; } }); client.relog(); }, 30000); }); setOptions module (if somewhat needed): module.exports = function setOptions(client){ client.setOption("enablePicsCache", true); client.setOption("autoRelogin", true); client.setOption("picsCacheAll", true); client.setOption("changelistUpdateInterval", 60000); client.setOption("language", "english"); client.setOption("clientOS", 16); client.setOption("machineName", "Boosting by The M."); } I tried many different ways. I just need my bot to kick other playing session, and make his own :/
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