Hi, so ive did something like this:
var community = new SteamCommunity();
var ReadLine = require('readline');
var rl = ReadLine.createInterface({
"input": process.stdin,
"output": process.stdout
function login(accountName, password, authCode) {
"accountName": accountName,
"password": password,
"authCode": authCode
}, function(error, sessionId, cookies, steamguard) {
if (error && error.message === "SteamGuard") {
console.log("An email has been sent to your address at " + error.emaildomain);
rl.question("Steam Guard Code: ", function(code) {
login(accountName, password, code);
is it possible to relogin without using the new steam guard code? like i dont want to type the code everytime i relogin. P.S. i need steam guard enabled