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  1. if(err.message == 'SteamGuard') { console.log('[STEAM] '+account.username+' an email has been sent to your address at '+err.emaildomain); return false; } err.emaildomain is empty why? https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/blob/master/index.js#L136
  2. ah so i just need to save the steamguard somwhere and next time i call the function i have to pass the steamguard param.
  3. Hi, so ive did something like this: var community = new SteamCommunity(); var ReadLine = require('readline'); var rl = ReadLine.createInterface({ "input": process.stdin, "output": process.stdout }); function login(accountName, password, authCode) { community.login({ "accountName": accountName, "password": password, "authCode": authCode }, function(error, sessionId, cookies, steamguard) { if (error && error.message === "SteamGuard") { console.log("An email has been sent to your address at " + error.emaildomain); rl.question("Steam Guard Code: ", function(code) { login(accountName, password, code); }); } }); } is it possible to relogin without using the new steam guard code? like i dont want to type the code everytime i relogin. P.S. i need steam guard enabled
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