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Everything posted by vindisel

  1. Thank you. And how long do cookies live? And will sessionExpired be triggered when they die?
  2. How do I log in now? I am using steam-session to generate jwt tokens, but when I try to pass the token to setMobileAppAccessToken(accessToken) , I get the following error: Error: Log in to steamcommunity before installing the access token to the mobile application. In this case, why not add a login using only refreshToken? Similar to oAuthLogin or logOn in node-steam-user.
  3. Hello, receivedOfferChanged isn't triggered when offer is accepted and expects confirmation in mobile app. It works only if offer declined or canceled receivedOfferChanged. If I accept trade and then decline, the status will change from 2 to 7, but should from 9 to 7 if i right. this.TradeOfferManager.on('newOffer', (offer) => { console.log(`New offer: ${offer.state}`) }) this.TradeOfferManager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer) => { console.log(`Offer changed state: ${offer.state}`) // it works if offer.state !== 9 }) "steam-tradeoffer-manager": "^2.10.3" this.TradeOfferManager = new TradeOfferManager({ community: community, pollInterval: 5000, })
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