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  1. Replicating the issue: -Use forum search -Click on any topic -go back through the browser left arrow button -topics that are already searched now disappear due to cooldown
  2. Been having this problem with the ".getActiveFriendMessageSessions()" methood for days This is my code: const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const clientTiftoo = new SteamUser(); const logOnParmsTiftoo = { accountName: "account", password: "password", twoFactorCode: SteamTotp.generateAuthCode('authcode') } clientTiftoo.logOn(logOnParmsTiftoo) console.log("logged in successfully") const hi = clientTiftoo.chat.getActiveFriendMessageSessions({}, (err, res) => {console.log(err)}) console.log(hi) This is the error that comes up: C:\Users\mosta\Desktop>node bot2.js Logged in successfully Promise { <pending> } Error: Request timed out at Timeout._onTimeout (C:\Users\mosta\node_modules\@doctormckay\stdlib\components\promises.js:17:12) at listOnTimeout (node:internal/timers:559:17) at processTimers (node:internal/timers:502:7) While i'm at it, i'm trying to make my bot log in, read and respond to all unread messages, then log out and close the script. is this method the best way to iterate through unread messages and respond to them? Thanks alot in advance! Note: the code runs for about 10 seconds before timing out
  3. but the friendMessage event is exactly the same name as the one in SteamChatRoomClient, no?
  4. Hello. i'm trying to use steam-user for the first time. used it for a bit to login to my account (but failed to log in about 10 times because my stupid butt forgot my password). i finally logged in successfully then logged out. now i want to login again but i get: Error: RateLimitExceeded what is the rate limit for this action and when will i be able to login again? Thanks!
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