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  1. const { LZMA } = require('lzma-native'); function decompressValveLZMA(buffer) { if (buffer.length < 13) { throw new Error("Buffer too short to be Valve LZMA"); } const magic = buffer.readUInt32BE(0); // Big-Endian if (magic !== 0x4C5A4D41) { // 'LZMA' throw new Error("Not a Valve LZMA container (magic mismatch)"); } const uncompressedLength = buffer.readUInt32LE(4); const compressedLength = buffer.readUInt32LE(8); const expectedTotal = 12 + 5 + compressedLength; // header (12) + props(5) + data if (buffer.length < expectedTotal) { throw new Error(`Buffer too short: expected ${expectedTotal}, have ${buffer.length}`); } const props = buffer.slice(12, 12 + 5); const lzmaData = buffer.slice(12 + 5, 12 + 5 + compressedLength); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const lzma = new LZMA(); const lzmaHeader = Buffer.alloc(5 + 8); props.copy(lzmaHeader, 0); // копируем 5 байт props lzmaHeader.writeUInt32LE(uncompressedLength, 5); const fullLzmaStream = Buffer.concat([lzmaHeader, lzmaData]); lzma.decompress(fullLzmaStream, (result, error) => { if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(Buffer.from(result)); } }); }); }
  2. https://github.com/ValveSoftware/source-sdk-2013/blob/0759e2e8e179d5352d81d0d4aaded72c1704b7a9/src/game/client/econ/store/store_panel.cpp#L610
  3. yes
  4. check this https://github.com/nombersDev/casemove
  5. but i did this on C# and steamkit for idle cases, 6 months have passed and didnt get no one VAC ban. But I understand that steam can ban everything at once
  6. Hi. How send CInventory_ConsumePlaytime_Request using ur lib?
  7. If player isn't in you friend-list you cant get player profile from non-prime account. but you can try it with account with prime status
  8. It's possible, you just need process ClientServiceCall msg, when you start csgo. Game send VAC module that collect info about your PC, you need save it, run with parameters what receive in ClientServiceCall and send to steam in ClientServiceCallResponse
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