manager.getOffers(1, (error, sent, received) => {
if (error) return console.log(error)
let totalSent = sent.filter(offer => offer.partner.getSteamID64() === steamID64).length //steamID64 of the person you want to filter offers
I've been on a hiatus and just got back after months of being assigned to field. I talked to some of my clients and they told me that my code is "totally broken" when before I left it was 100% working and that he has to rely on 3rd party websites to fetch other user's inventory and so I checked node-steam-tradeoffer-manager package and the last update was still last May of last year. My code was made last September using latest version of your packages. Also, check steam changelog but did not find any clue. Is there any changes regarding to steam trade-offers and/or inventory calls since September of last year? Any major changes to be made to my code? I don't have a huge inventory to test it with and no dummy account to test trade-offers.
You have to pass the client's/bot's trade window to your getSets function that you use to sort your bot's/client's inventory when making an offer. And yes, you need to set your language to get the appid's of items in trade window otherwise you will end up with "0" sets. Also, you need to check if there are extra cards on the trade-offer as it will be not counted as a set.