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  1. Hello ? Long time no see When using steam-session qr login method. Steam guard were updated and when login ipaddress not near by me. It is given unusual login attempt in mobile guard. Is there any way to avoid this error ? Feel free. Thank you for your attention.
  2. Useless website 👎
  3. I Totally get cookie when i use credentials using oauth authentication. 1. https://steamcommunity.com/login/getrsakey/?username= 2. encode pass to base64 rsa encrypt with mod and exp from getrsakey 3. and use in body of POST https://steamcommunity.com/login/dologin/ 4. process dologin by response like success, requires_twofactor, emailauth_needed After dologin response was cookies then it tokens occur there. login response -> <Response [200]> login response json -> {'success': True, 'requires_twofactor': False, 'login_complete': True, 'transfer_urls': ['https://store.steampowered.com/login/transfer', 'https://help.steampowered.com/login/transfer'], 'transfer_parameters': {'steamid': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'token_secure': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXAAD2EEF9ABFACXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'auth': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX4d4dc71ff713ed71XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'remember_login': True, 'webcookie': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX417DBA7D4A9274XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}} self._check_for_captcha self._assert_valid_credentials self._perform_redirects self.set_sessionid_cookies {'sessionid': 'd565899090d3cd4a5XXXXXXXX', 'steamLoginSecure': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%7C%7C8FA4BAXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXBFACD11A5E6D00', 'steamMachineAuthXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX417DBA7D4A927XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'steamCountry': 'XX%7C9fa88826f83c4ad51e2191aef916d636', 'steamRememberLogin': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%7C%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX416961e7fcdc7XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'browserid': 'XXXXXXX29345752'} This is my topic can you reply it when you know about this thank u.
  4. Hello ? I have developing own friends website. That used for steam CS:GO skin tradeoffer between friends. But i can't automate tradeoffers. Is there any solution make steam tradeoffers between steam users p2p. Like Dmarket etc.. This type of markets only authenticate users using Steam OpenID Authentication. But steam TradeOffer unofficial "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/send" endpoint is required steamLoginSecure JWT token cookie. How they still can doing tradeoffers between users p2p only authenticate using OpenID. OpenID can't return any sensitive data like token or jwt. Or this type of markets hijacking and get tokens or cookies ? Any replies will be appreciated
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