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Everything posted by Nightmare

  1. a bit late but check this out, steam inventory helper has an endpoint providing up-to date currency data https://api.steaminventoryhelper.com/steam-rates?base=USD
  2. they use sandbox/vms, not a bot. You cannot connect to official servers with a bot, but you can connect to a dummy server, https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-gameserver, which won't have vac enabled and you won't receive drops. It is possible to do that but no one will help you with that for free.
  3. hello, How many accounts are allowed to be run per IP? I read somewhere that steam allows 10 connections per IP, on other places i read that people run 50 accounts on the same Server without issues. Some others say that as long as i don't get rate limited the count doesn't matter.
  4. Seems that i had to change the Steamid Type to Gameserver, now it logs in
  5. hello, i tried your package steam-gameserver and saw in the issues that you mentioned this package is not being updated so i tried to use steam-user instead. This is the code i am trying to use and I receive a "InvaildPassword" response const steamUser = require('steam-user'); var server=new steamUser(); server._logOnDetails = { game_server_token:"xxxxx", protocol_version: 65579, obfustucated_private_ip:0, game_server_app_id:730, cell_id:189, supports_rate_limit_response: true }; server.logOn(true); server.on("loggedOn", (details) => { console.log("Logged in"); });
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