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Everything posted by rektdie

  1. I noticed I opened the help in the wrong topic. Sorry for that.
  2. I want to get a steam user's CSGO inventory with this steam API and it works fine for the first 5-6 call. After that I get the error code 429, but I don't understand how I exceed the rate limit with this low amount of requests. I found this on steam: "You are limited to one hundred thousand (100,000) calls to the Steam Web API per day.", but I clearly did not make more than 100.000 calls. import requests import json steamIDs = [ 76561198323251063, # Enyém 76561199013264816 # Rolié ] gameID = "730" with open("valid_proxies.txt", "r") as f: proxies = f.read().split("\n") def jprint(obj): text = json.dumps(obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4) return text response = requests.get(f"http://steamcommunity.com/inventory/{steamIDs[1]}/{gameID}/2") print(response.status_code) with open("data.txt", "w") as f: f.write(jprint(response.json()))
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