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Everything posted by AshIgorash

  1. Yes, but my callback has only error. /** * Get the contents of a user's inventory context. * @param userID - The user's SteamID as a SteamID object or a string which can parse into one * @param appID - The Steam application ID of the game for which you want an inventory * @param contextID - The ID of the "context" within the game you want to retrieve * @param tradableOnly - true to get only tradable items and currencies * @param [language] - The language of item descriptions to return. Omit for default (which may either be English or your account's chosen language) * @param callback */ getUserInventoryContents( userID: userid, appID: appid, contextID: contextid, tradableOnly: boolean, language: string, callback: Callback, ): any; /** * @param err `null` on success, an `Error` object on failure. */ type Callback = (err: CallbackError) => any;
  2. I want to get items that are temporary trade locked. If using manager to get inventory I don't get those items, tried to use community.getUserInventoryContents() but getting undefined inventory and null error. Btw what is difference between manager.getUserInventoryContents and community.getUserInventoryContents? public getInventory(steamID: string):Promise<CEconItem[]>{ return new Promise((resolve, reject)=> { const inventory = this.bot.community.getUserInventoryContents(steamID,730,2,false,'english',(err)=>{console.log(err)}) console.log(inventory) this.bot.tradeManager.getUserInventoryContents(steamID,730,2,false, (err, inventory)=> { if(err){ if(err.message === "This profile is private."){ return reject(new CustomError("This profile is private.",ERR.PrivateProfile)) } else if(err.message.includes("RateLimitExceeded")){ return reject(new CustomError(err.message, ERR.RateLimitExceeded)) } else{ return reject(new CustomError(err.message, ERR.GeneralError)) } } resolve(inventory) }) }) }
  3. I have a problem with saving correct data using method offer.data() If saving serverAck under await line then I got in pollData.json file the serverAck.finalState as false but in memory it is true because when logging it I got finalState = true. If I am calling this block over await line then everything is saved ok. this.trades.bot.tradeManager.on("sentOfferChanged",async (offer,oldState)=>{ logger.info(`Sent offer #${offer.id} state changed: ${oldState} -> ${offer.state}`) if(offer.id!==undefined){ const state = getStatus(offer.state) // this.socket.emit('offerChangedState',{state,offerId:offer.id}, (response)=>{ const response = await this.socket.emitWithAck('offerChangedState',{state,offerId:offer.id}) if(response.status === 'ok'){ let serverAck = offer.data("mainServerAcknowledged") as mainServerAck if(serverAck){ serverAck.finalState = true offer.data('mainServerAcknowledged',serverAck) console.log(offer.data("mainServerAcknowledged")) } }
  4. I think they are using some tools like VTFEdit, Crowbar or like in this video
  5. You can use node-globaloffensive.The most information about skin you can get from inspectItem method, but I am not sure how you can turn this into screenshot. I think there should be a way to make a skin image without running an inspect server.
  6. getImageUrl() just gives you a default image of item like this, it wont have stickers and pattern on it.
  7. Hi, does anyone know why this is happening?
  8. I noticed that in my script I am not receiving new poll data. I tried also to use the example offloader script from tradeoffer-manager github and keep sending trades to the account and my polldata file just remains at 0.
  9. On steamGuard event I am using an async method to get authCode and it just looping again and again here to get a new one with lastCodeWrong = true. If using sync method to get code then everything is works well. this.steamClient.on('steamGuard', async (domain, callback, lastCodeWrong) => { logger.info("Need code"); console.log(lastCodeWrong); if(lastCodeWrong){ throw new Error("To many consecutive wrong GUARD CODE") } try { const code = await this.generateAuthCode(); callback(code); } catch (e) { console.log(e); } }); private async generateAuthCode(): Promise<string> { let offset: number | undefined; try { offset = await this.getTimeOffset; console.log('Offset:' + offset) } catch (err) { // ignore error } return SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(this.auth, offset); }
  10. Hello, is there any possibility that while polling the offer change status event, it does not get triggered? For example, if the offer I sent is declined by the user, but I don't get informed about it on my backend. Should I make some additional history checks for that?
  11. You can use csgofloat opensource. https://github.com/csfloat/inspect/tree/master
  12. I am developing a backend for my own small project. I am facing a problem, when choosing a bot for making a trade I need to return one with less than 30 active trades total and less than 5 active trades with a specific user. Its ok that for each trade to ask info from steam about current trades of bot or should I keep this data stored in memory? . Its also an option to look in db but I think it will overload it.
  13. How do I convert accountID to steam ID64? SteamID { universe: 1, type: 1, instance: 1, accountid: 279829166 } 279829166 -> 76561198240094894 Resolved
  14. I made a small functionality for sending offers using my bots, but the number of active offers with one person is limited to 5 and 30 in total active offers. How do I keep this number and get the most free bot to make next offer.
  15. What is difference between this two in TradeOfferManager constructor? cancelTime is cancelling all active offerst sent by us and pendingCancelTime cancels non confirmed trades with pending status?
  16. How do I get time when items from my inventory will be tradable? If I am fetching this link: "https://steamcommunity.com/inventory/id64/2?l=english&count=75", if this is my inventory I can see this field "owner_descriptions":[{"type":"html","value":" "},{"type":"html","value":"Tradable After Oct 19, 2023 (7:00:00) GMT","color":"ff4040"}] with 'tradable after' value but getInventoryContents() method from node-steam-tradeoffer-manager does not return this property. Is there a way to get the time?
  17. I am trying to get chache_experation of item but I am getting undefined every time. How do I know when tradeban of item ends?
  18. I know that is my question isn't about this this forum but maybe I can get some help, so, today I was scammed. Someome joined my account and sold a lot of items for 1€ and after that bought a 0.03 € item for 100€. I have steam guard installed only on my phone, but I have an api key that I used on many sites. I have installed in my browser extensions like market.csgo p2p, csgo trader and sih. Mb my password was leaked because it was not strong enaugh and I used it in many sites but how did someone loggin in my account without steam guard. At time my money was stolen my computer was turned off. I have no idea how this is possible. I have to mention that he extracted some items from my storage containers and sold it.
  19. I found out the problem, I cant even inspect any items in game, idk why. I tried on multiple accounts and nothing.
  20. Yes, it goes online and nothing happens, if I try to request profile info for example, I get all information but only InspectItem doesnt work.
  21. Yes, I launch it, parameters are valid, also I tried to put whole insept link at owner but I dont get anything. const SteamUser = require('steam-user'); const GlobalOffensive = require('globaloffensive'); const SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); const userMarar = require('./config.json'); const { time } = require('console'); let user = new SteamUser(); let csgo = new GlobalOffensive(user); let logOnOptions = { "accountName": "name", "password": "pass", "twoFactorCode": SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(userMarar["shared_secret"]) }; user.logOn(logOnOptions); user.on('loggedOn', function() { console.log("Logged into Steam"); user.setPersona(SteamUser.EPersonaState.Online); user.gamesPlayed([730]); }); csgo.on('connectedToGC', () => { console.log('Connected to CS:GO Game Coordinator'); csgo.inspectItem("76561202255233023","30999439917","2612242276566628011",function(item) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } console.log(item) }); });
  22. Is there any method by which I can find the paint_wear of all the items in someone's inventory. I tried this code using globaloffensive but it doesn't print anything: csgo.on('connectedToGC', () => { console.log('Connected to CS:GO Game Coordinator'); csgo.inspectItem("76561202255233023","30848107082","12134527536543334116",function(item) { if (err) { console.log(err); return; } console.log(item)
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