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Everything posted by rikray_

  1. Sorry, I forgot to insert the code for the getAuthCode function. Maybe that's why you couldn't reproduce? const getAuthCode = async (shared_secret) => { return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => { SteamTotp.getAuthCode(shared_secret, (err, code) => { if (err) { reject(err) } else { resolve(code) } }) }) }
  2. Could you please give more code? It's hard to give an answer with this. The account must be without the $5 limit, to get the API key. Error 429 - too many requests should add delays. SDA can also be the source of the problem
  3. const main = async () => { const client = new SteamUser() client.on('error', (error) => { console.log('error: ', error.message) }) const account = { accountName: 'somelogin', passwod: 'wrongpass', shared_secret: 'shared=' } const code = await getAuthCode(account.shared_secret) client.logOn({ accountName: account.accountName, password: account.passwod, twoFactorCode: code, }) } main() //logs error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword error: InvalidPassword Process finished with exit code 0 The problem only occurs with this error. Also, the number of listener calls is different every time
  4. My bot goes through the accounts and confirms all offers/confirmations (respondToAllConfirmations). There were no problems for just a couple of weeks. But now the error 429 error has started to appear periodically. Could it be because Steam has introduced new limits?
  5. I suspect that the client may call event disconnected itself. Since sometimes I get a callback that handles this event This is just my guess, maybe the problem is elsewhere.
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