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  1. Hello, I started developing app using globaloffensive game coordinator and would like to add some new events, I'm seeking for some tool that shows messages which coming through game coordinator and its content. I tried using Wireshark but it's very difficult for me, and even with uploaded .proto files it can't decode correctly CSGO messages. So maybe there is some command in csgo console which will show Proto messages, or other way to do this, I'll be happy to hear any options which you use for csgo game coordinator traffic analisis.
  2. Hi, I'm writing a parser and I need to make requests to price history, item listings, and orders histogram, and I'm always getting 429 after different amounts of requests and cooldowns also like random, I was wondering if someone already faces this issue and knows roughly which request intervals I should set. Also, I noticed that the cooldown system for each path is different, I can get 429 on listings but still can make requests to orders without problem. Thank you all!
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