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Everything posted by jisa_poiur

  1. Maybe I worded the error event incorrectly, but I have it even after the first error it keeps trying to log in this.account.on('error', (err) => { if (err.eresult === 5) { logger.warn(this.#PREFIX + 'Invalid Password') this.emit('login_r', 'InvalidPassword') } else if (err.eresult === 87 || err.eresult === 84) { logger.warn(this.#PREFIX + 'Rate Limit') this.emit('login_r', 'RateLimit') } else { logger.error(this.#PREFIX + err); } })
  2. I also want to ask, perhaps somewhere there are events that I have not found, but when the event with errors InvalidPassword / RateLimitExceeded - then how to end login attempts? I'm stupid so I apologize
  3. When trying to authorize and installed Steam Guard through the application, in the application itself pops up a proposal to allow login from the device, I would like to know if you can somehow catch this event so that you do not have to wait for the code from the user? I'm using node-steam-user 5.0.4.
  4. When I run games on behalf of the bot and the person runs the game after ending the bot session, it should try to reconnect, but all I saw when I got the LoggedInElsewhere error was: [debug event] [T1#9] Handled message: ClientPersonaState [T1#10] Handled message: ClientFromGC Received 570 GC message 4009 [T1] TCP connection ended [T1#11] Handled message: ClientLoggedOff Logged off: LoggedInElsewhere Disconnecting without sending logoff [T1] Ending connection and removing all listeners Error: LoggedInElsewhere I waited, waited, but reconnection still did not happen, can you tell me what is wrong and maybe it is worth to realize reconnection and approximately how it can be done. Also, all listeners are cleared, so do I need to recreate the SteamUser instance? Used: node-steam-user 4.28.8 Issue resolved, reconnects every 30 minutes I apologize for the redundant topic, if you want to delete it, please do so
  5. Thanks for the reply. I made the system via tokens, but when the user logs in via code from mail, it creates machineAuthToken.name.txt I tried passing the machineIdType field to the SteamUser instance: SteamUser.EMachineIDType.None, but the file is still created, is there any way to disable this?
  6. I use machinesAuth to avoid requesting the access code from the application again after the first login when, for example, the bot is restarted. But here's what I noticed, if the account is confirmed via mail - then after login a file with machine is created, but if the account is confirmed via application - then after login only cellid-***.txt is created and when logging in again it asks for the code from the application. I have looked everywhere, but did not find the answer to my question. I also noticed that the machineAuthToken event is triggered only when a code is requested from mail I use node-steam-user 5.0.4 const Account = new SteamUser({ dataDirectory: "./data", machineIdType: SteamUser.EMachineIDType.AccountNameGenerated, autoRelogin: true }); Account.logOn({ accountName: 'login', password: 'password' })
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