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  1. Ever since the new CS2 update that came out a few hours ago, IEconService/GetTradeOffer no longer shows correct data. I used to use it to get details about trades, but I can longer do so. Using `?get_sent_offers=1&get_received_offers=1&active_only=0&get_descriptions=1&key=xyz` I only get 2 results. Both of them for appid 753 (Steam). Even if I have an active trade offer it no longer shows up. Anyone else encountering the same issue? Anyone find a workaround?
  2. That's what I ended up doing! Thank you
  3. How would I go about getting the actual trade-partner from a trade confirmation? The `creator_id` isn't the partner, and neither is the `id` property. Maybe there is a way to get their steam id from the avatar url returned? All I know is that `mobileconf/getlist` doesn't return what I need, and I cannot find any information on it. The mobile app does it somehow as I believe you can view their profile at confirmation time. Not sure though as I haven't had the app since 2017. Is there really no way?
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