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  1. please do not destroy queue
  2. How can I get my current steam profile settings, it is public or private? I know how to set to private/public - by: https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steamcommunity/wiki/SteamCommunity#profilesettingssettings-callback but is there method to grab only info about current setting?
  3. is it possible to create script who can explore steam queue in nodejs to get free steam cards during sales?
  4. Yes, would be nice to have this feature, because Steam doing sometimes promotion for 1-2 days to add some game for free.
  5. exactly this isn't working with all games thanks for confirming this
  6. sorry for doing double posts, but I even tried: https://github.com/Royalgamer06/steam-free-packages Looks like this feature doesn't work :/
  7. so I don't know what's going on, trying to do this on account with 1 game (non-limited account), and checking in account info -> licenses I'm using the same bot, and everything is fine, changed only one line. Maybe is there some mistake in code? I even tried with: http://store.steampowered.com/app/346290/Penumbra_Necrologue/, add license for [59373]
  8. client.requestFreeLicense([350870,351020,351270,351540,359080,362970,366160,366440,370580,370590,370880,377560,378180,378910,379200,380760,381570,383860,384560,386310,388520,388780,389509,393360,393480], function(err, grantedPackages, grantedAppIDs)looks like doesn't work anymore? 0 package added, callback doesn't return anything
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