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  1. I consider that error 504 when I use function acceptConfirmationForObject like an error 16 on newOffer and sometimes this offer is accepted. Can I track this offer with event unknownOfferSent and decline it?
  2. Please make event 'sessionExpired' when error 'Malformed response' on making trade offer
  3. Тебе Ñтим блокирует доÑтуп к получению API KEY Ð´Ð°Ð½Ð½Ð°Ñ Ð¿Ñ€Ð¾Ð±Ð»ÐµÐ¼Ð° уже обÑуждалаÑÑŒ и Ñ Ð¿Ð¸Ñал решение ищи по форуму ApiKey error 429 (sorry for Russian language)
  4. It works for me. idk what you should do, sorry
  5. Trade offers should work, if you insert right api key. I have the same problem and I solve it for me. I can help you tell me where are you from and your skype
  6. Hm, I have the site 200 users online and I call loadUserInventory more than 2 inventories per minute (I think it is about 10 per second sometimes). But steam doesn't show error 429, I don't use proxies, using only multibots
  7. node-steamcommunity version 3.21.2, I checked your code, there is no changes in new version, the same error may occur
  8. If you know your apiKey you can insert it manually, it works: self.manager.setCookies(cookies, function(err) { if(err) { if(err.message.indexOf('429') != -1){ self.manager.apiKey = "***"; self.manager.doPoll(); }else{ self.relogin(err, callback); return; } } self.apiKey = self.manager.apiKey; self.steam.chatLogon(); self.online = true; if (typeof(callback) === 'function') { callback(); } });
  9. The problem is that this error does not occur on all accounts, and only a few.
  10. Same problem even if I changed IP. Maybe screenshot will be usefull
  11. of course, sorry it is me, I change account
  12. You should do POST request to "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/votedown" || "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/voteup" (example for this link "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=388660226") let options = { url: "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/votedown" || "https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/voteup", form: { id: 388660226, //screenshoot_id sessionid: 778dd9d24e7d325f2ca06af0//steam session id in cookies or you can take it when auth with node-steamcommunity ​} };If you arre using node-steamcommunity do this steam.httpRequestPost(options) or you can use request but you should set up headers with cookies!
  13. All it is ok, it was error with too many requests
  14. I don't know why but yesterday I have 429 error on all my bots and all my VDS, do somebody know what's happen?
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