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  1. After I remove the language, RAM usage back to reasonable. Thanks a lot sir.
  2. Hi, I created a bot that only have task to auto accept trade and deployed it in 2GB Linux VPS. When I start the bot it's fine, but after about 10-20 seconds, the memory usage will spike until max and the bot crashed. I tried to run in my local that have 16GB RAM and I noticed the same spike at every 10-20 seconds interval and will eat around 1.5GB-2GBish of the RAM. So my question is the requirement for RAM must be higher than 2GB or I did something wrong? For reference, my code almost the same as in https://github.com/prasunroy/steam-bot/blob/master/bot.js . I deleted everything and left only the part of "manager.on('newOffer')".
  3. Hi, need help about item name. How can I show the item name for item that I take from the bot? Currently it only shows the name of item that bot received.
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