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McKay Development


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  1. So how SteamMobileApp done it?
  2. It's not working for me, i want to make an app that'll send an sms with my steamguard code when i try to log in exactly like steam mobile app. I tried it like this: client.on('steamGuard', function (domain, callback, lastCodeWrong) { if(!domain)console.log("We need a 2fa code bro"); if (lastCodeWrong)console.log("Last code was wrong"); console.log("Steam Guard code needed from email ending in " + domain); }); but when i try to log in by steam desktop client nothing happens
  3. Hi how is made a mobile app i mean when i try to log in and i need a code the phone is showing actual code in push notification. How to get this "steamguardcodeneeded" event in my node.js app?
  4. Successfully logged in as nickname
  5. i'm using following code and my confirmation still says "waiting for mobile confirmation" var SteamCommunity = require('steamcommunity'); var SteamCommunity = new SteamCommunity(); var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp'); var logOnOptions = { 'accountName': "winiar23", 'password': "zaqwsxcde", 'twoFactorCode': SteamTotp.generateAuthCode("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX=") //this line and the comma before it can be removed if you don't have mobile auth enabled, but I'm assuming you do if you plan to trade }; var s = 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX='; //get this in the intro! //logs in via browser SteamCommunity.login(logOnOptions, function(err, sessionID, cookies, steamguard) { if (err) { console.log("There was an error logging in! Error details: " + err.message); process.exit(1); //terminates program } else { console.log("Successfully logged in as " + logOnOptions.accountName); SteamCommunity.chatLogon(); } SteamCommunity.startConfirmationChecker(12000, s ); });
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