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Everything posted by sexydog

  1. So just using steam-user by itself should allow this to work? Originally I was trying to use node-steam directly which is why that case is in there and I thought I did everything right but I was getting this same steamguard loop which is what led me to steam-user. I'm going to try rewriting my code without the extra seishun stuff and see if it works. Thanks for your advice. EDIT: It works now, thank's dr. mckay. For anybody who comes across this thread on a google search here's the updated code: var fs = require("fs"), Steam = require("steam"), SteamUser = require("steam-user"), SteamID = require("steamid"), readLine = require('readline-sync'), SteamClients = {}, SteamUsers = {}, SteamFriends = {}; var text = fs.readFileSync("accounts.json").toString(); var accounts = JSON.parse(text)["accounts"]; accounts.forEach(doTheStuff); function doTheStuff(element,indexElement,array) { //console.log(element["username"] + ": " + element["password"]); SteamUsers[indexElement] = new SteamUser(); SteamUsers[indexElement].setOption('promptSteamGuardCode', false); SteamUsers[indexElement].setOption('dataDirectory', './sentry') SteamUsers[indexElement].on('steamGuard', function(domain, callback, lastCodeWrong){ var code = readLine.question("Enter steamguard code from " + element["username"] + '(' + domain + ')'); callback(code); }); SteamUsers[indexElement].on("loggedOn", function(details, parental) { console.log("Logged on as " + element["username"] + " successfully"); console.log(details); console.log(parental); }); SteamUsers[indexElement].on("error", function(err){ console.log("Error! " + element["username"]); console.log(err); }); SteamUsers[indexElement].on("disconnect", function(err) { console.log("Disconnected from " + element["username"]); console.log(err); }); SteamUsers[indexElement].logOn( { accountName: element["username"], password: element["password"] } ); }
  2. Thanks for your reply here is my code: var fs = require("fs"), Steam = require("steam"), SteamUser = require("steam-user"), //SteamID = require("steamid"), SteamClients = {}, SteamUsers = {}, SteamFriends = {}; var text = fs.readFileSync("accounts.json").toString(); var accounts = JSON.parse(text)["accounts"]; accounts.forEach(doTheStuff); function doTheStuff(element,indexElement,array) { //console.log(element["username"] + ": " + element["password"]); SteamClients[indexElement] = new Steam.SteamClient(); SteamUsers[indexElement] = new SteamUser(SteamClients[indexElement]); SteamFriends[indexElement] = new Steam.SteamFriends(SteamClients[indexElement]); SteamClients[indexElement].on("connected", function(){ SteamUsers[indexElement].logOn( { accountName: element["username"], password: element["password"] } ); }); SteamClients[indexElement].on("logOnResponse", function(res){ if (res.eresult == Steam.EResult.OK) { console.log("Successfully logged on as " + element["username"]) //Set state to offline SteamFriends[indexElement].setPersonaState(Steam.EPersonaState.Offline); //Playing CSGO SteamUsers[indexElement].gamesPlayed( { games_played: [{ game_id: 730 }] } ); } else if (res.eresult == Steam.EResult.AccountLogonDenied) { console.log("SteamGuard Error"); } else { console.log("Steam client can't connect to " + element["username"] + "\n"); console.log(res); SteamClients[indexElement].disconnect(); } }); SteamClients[indexElement].on("error", function(err){ console.log("Error! " + element["username"] + "\n"); console.log(err); }); SteamUsers[indexElement].on("error", function(err){ console.log("Error! " + element["username"] + "\n"); console.log(err); }); SteamClients[indexElement].connect(); } accounts.json example (it works for non-steamguard accts): {"accounts":[ {"username":"exampleaccount", "password":"password123"}, {"username":"exampleaccount2", "password":"321drowssap"} ]}
  3. Hello I am having an issue when using steam-user. I am getting stuck in a loop with steamguard. It seems to work fine for non-steamguard accounts but after entering the steamguard code it will simply send me another email and prompt me for another steamguard code. I have an example script that I created and tried to upload however I just get an error message "You aren't permitted to upload this kind of file" Hopefully someone has an idea what I'm doing wrong and/or can post an example code.
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