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  1. Hello! I keep getting an error when I'm doing: manager.getEscrowDuration('76561198016511109', 'EMv1iKH8', function(err, daysTheirEscrow, daysYourEscrow) { if(err) console.log(err); }); And getting: Error: This Trade URL is no longer valid for sending a trade offer to noname. But the funny thing is that https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=324417112&token=EMv1iKH8 tradeurl works fine What am I suppose to do? Thanks!
  2. Hello, When does "Error: HTTP error 403" appear? My bots issue those errors really often while trying to send a trade offer. Is it some kind of Steamism again or could be something wrong with my code?
  3. Bot worked fine all time, but today i have error: { [Error: HTTP error 429] code: 429 }, when bot are trying to login. Error throw on manager.setCookies. I tryed start bot from other ip. similar result. Why?
  4. Sometimes i get value of getReceivedItems empty. How to recheck this value?
  5. I know how to get inventories from games but I can't seem to find out how I can load my Steam Inventory......
  6. Hello. How i can get items name in : manager.on('newOffer', function(offer) { // my code below, i'm try but not working for (var i = 0; i < offer.itemsToReceive.length; i++) { console.log(offer.itemsToReceive[i].market_hash_name); } });I'm got "undefined" in console, so?
  7. Hi guys! I have a problem when i get callback on webSession event, few days ago everything works fine, but now when i try to execute my node js file and got message from my logger: Unable to set trade offer cookies: Error: HTTP error 429. What can be wrong? So trade offer manager sent too many requests to steam and after 5-7 seconds we have 429. client.on('webSession', function (sessionID, cookies) { client.setPersona(SteamUser.Steam.EPersonaState.Online); offers.setCookies(cookies, function (err){ if (err) { logger.error('Unable to set trade offer cookies: '+err); process.exit(1); } }); }); In cookies i receive an array with next data: sessionid, steamLogin and steamLoginSecure. Any idea?
  8. Hello there! I have a trouble. My account can't generate API'keys, so i was edited index.js from steam-tradeoffer-manager folder, and i found this.apiKey = null and changed it to this.apiKey = options.apiKeyand in my js script i'm use this: var manager = new TradeOfferManager({"domain": "example.com", // Our domain is example.com "language": "en", // We want English item descriptions "apiKey": "myAPIKEY", "pollInterval": 5000 // We want to poll every 5 seconds since we don't have Steam notifying us of offers });Now, i can run my script without errors. For debug i use steam.on('debug', console.log); manager.on('debug', console.log);After the start script i'm send some offerts to my "bot". And bot can't detect these offers. And i haven't errors in logs. So what i can do with that? I got this in console:
  9. I just updated steam-tradeoffer-manager and after update i am getting this error. I updated because someone told me that will solve my problem which i have with trades. Not offten but it will happen few times on day.
  10. If i pass a node-steamcommunity instance in the constructor of the trade offer manager and then i set the cookies of the manager, does the community cookies are also set, or do i need to call setCookies for the community too ?
  11. My bot is often getting "Error: There was an error sending your trade offer. Please try again later. (15)" after last update of node-steam-tradeoffer-manager. By often I mean like 85% of trades which he's trying to send. What am I doing wrong?
  12. sentOfferChanged listener don't trigger on mobile confirmation state. Scenario: - Send trade offer from bot (offer is with status Active) - Log in to steam as User and Accept offer -> receive message "You have to confirm in mobile app" -> offer state should be OfferNeedMobileConfirmation but sentOfferChanged don't do anything. With receivedOfferChanged everything works just fine the problem is only with sentOfferChanged.
  13. Hello. First, I would like to thank you, Doctor McKay, for such incredible Node module. Currently, I understand that trading via Trade URLs aren't possible with a limited account using this module, which is based on Node Steam by seishun. Is it possible to trade with this module or seishun's Node Steam using Trade URLs and a limited account? Or at least trade somehow but still with a limited account? Thanks!
  14. I am wondering how to get offer in later stage. Is there some call that I can make to retrieve offer based on offerId or something else? For example I want to Cancel specific offer at some point in time. What i do now is to add all offers in array and get offer from array based on key(offerId) but when i restart my node.js i loose all offers in that array. Also is there something like Resend offer? Thanks.
  15. Hi guys i'm use getReceivedItems method, but sometimes it return error, i try to try again in 1 second, but it doesn't give a result. What i must do?
  16. Still don't know what I should do with error 16 on send offer from bot, because sometimes offer sends and sometimes not. I make this: newOffer.send(message, token, function(err){ if(err && err.message.indexOf("16") == -1){ return callback(err, null); } callback(false, newOffer); });
  17. Hello, i miss the "getEscrowDuration(steamID[, token], callback)" function in TradeOfferManager v2. I used this function to validate the user token and of course also if the user has no escrow duration. Why this feature was removed? Is there a replacement for the token to check ?
  18. when I tried getReceivedItems function there was error 429, I setTimeout 10 seconds, but error still exist: offer.getReceivedItems(function(err, items){ if(err){ setTimeout(function(){ self.getReceivedItems(offer); }, 10000); return; } self.getPrices(items, function(totalPrice, itemsWithPrices){ self.updateBotInventory(self.clearItems(itemsWithPrices)); }); });
  19. What will be if I just set manager.apiKey with value from my another account which is activated?
  20. When bot send offer with itemToGive array, if itemsToGive.length is too high (about 50 items) there is an error "16", my programm think that trade offer isn't send, but bot have already sent it. Sorry for my english, I hope you understand me.
  21. Sup Guys, after ive send a offer id its null. before ive updated to v2 it worked. any ideas ?
  22. steam-tradeoffer-manager/lib/classes/TradeOffer.js:528 callback(null, 'sent'); TypeError: callback is not a function: looks like theres something wrong on your side, isnt it ?
  23. Hey Guys, if im creating a tradeoffer with a trade link url the creation fails: Error: Unknown SteamID input format "https://steamcommunity.com/tradeoffer/new/?partner=xxxxxx&token=xxxxxx" i use following to create the offer: var offer = manager.createOffer(row2[0].tlink); inside the row2[0].tlink variable is the whole trade link as string. any ideas ?
  24. Hi, after autoRetry from TradeOffer#accept sometimes while accepting offer gives error, should i myself try to accept it again or not?
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