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  1. I want to create many accounts in short time. But after two success account create can't create more not working. I guess steam block you after two account create. Also i add third minutes for each create still not work after two.
  2. Hey, much time, when the bot start/restart/crashed it comes Steam Guard App Code: But why? I dont can find this... Is this cause i used with App Guard? "domain": 'MYDOMAIN.com'
  3. How do I use the on 'save' and on 'read' functions? When I'm doing it like this: const user = new SteamUser(); user.logOn(); user.storage.on('save', function(filename, contents, callback) { // filename is the name of the file, as a string // contents is a Buffer containing the file's contents // callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with a single error argument // For example: console.log(filename, contents, callback); }); user.storage.on('read', function(filename, callback) { // filename is the name of the file, as a string // callback is a function which you MUST call on completion or error, with an error argument and a Buffer argument // For example: console.log(filename, callback); });I just get the output on start of my electron app: cellid-86[...].txt 91 (err) { if(callback) { callback(err || null); } } servers.json [91, 10, 9…] (err) { if(callback) { callback(err || null); } } So first this 'cellid-...txt' file and then the 'server.json'. But when I start an actual game via steam and close it the 'save' or 'read' event functions aren't called.
  4. i am create new account. can i enable two factor with limitation? when i am trying enable, get error 2.
  5. how to receive ticket? such as steamworks SteamUser()->GetAuthSessionTicket()
  6. Hello everyone! I wonder, suppose I logged into steam-user, set cookies for community and tradeoffer-manager. When I restart a bot would that session be considered for steam backend as a new device and will I get a penality (7days without trades) ? What's the steps needed to maintain stable session without getting penalitites for a trade bot. I'm asking because I just switched to SDA and using steam-totp with shared_secret to generate two factor auth code (and I got 7 day penality and I can't notice whether the penality has reset or not).
  7. Hello! I need some help with node-steam-user. I'm getting this error: Cheers
  8. Ive been getting into nodejs a few months ago and found out about this module a week ago. I started playing around a bit and managed to make myself a nice hour idling script. Ive achieved that with a lot of trial&error + the help of some rather experienced friends. But now Im stuck: Im trying to log into an account that has mobile auth enabled. Ive read into this a little, and its a bit too high for me. Now I hope that an experienced coder/someone who has already done this before could quickly break it down for me, or if it really just is too complicated, tell me so. Thanks in advance, I really hope that I can sometime give something back to this community.
  9. So, sorry for my noobness, how do you generate shared secret to use with 2FA (steam-totp)?
  10. Firstly I would like to say that you made amazing job! I have a few questions and suggestions. Questions: 1) createAccount() works great. But If I understand correctly It creates accounts through Steam client. Is it safe to create for example 30 or more accounts at once? Does Steam register my machine ID or just IP when I am using this function? 2) Is it possible to change account store country? (not profile country) 3) Is it possible to change email or password? If not, Is it hard to implement this kind of functionality?
  11. I might be doing this wrong. This is my code: client.on("chatUserLeft", function(chatID, userID) { if (userID.getSteamID64() !== owner) { client.chatMessage(userID, "I hope your issue has been resolved! Whenever you have another question feel free to open another chat :)"); } client.leaveChat(chatID); }); owner = my steamid64. The error I'm getting: C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\chat.js:512 delete this.chats[sid64].members[target64]; ^ TypeError: Cannot read property 'members' of undefined at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\chat.js:512:28) at SteamUser._handleMessage (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-user\components\messages.js:198:29) at emitThree (events.js:116:13) at CMClient.emit (events.js:194:7) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:278:8) at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:386:8) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:260:24) at emitOne (events.js:96:13) at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:188:7) at TCPConnection._readPacket (C:\Users\Tim\Desktop\Steam Bots\Assistant\node_modules\steam-client\lib\tcp_connection.js:73:7) [nodemon] app crashed - waiting for file changes before starting... Help is appreciated.
  12. Hello I have a couple of questions regarding the tradeOffers event and changes in trade offer states. Is the tradeOffers event only emitted when receiving a new trade offer? Is there an event that is emitted when a trade offer changes state? Is the only way to detect changes in trade offer states to poll Steam API GetTradeOffers? What are the rate limits of Steam API GetTradeOffers, is it based on IP Address or Steam Account, or?Thank you for any support, really loving your libraries.
  13. Hi I'm using getPersonas to retrieve people's username from a steam id but when I'm calling it ir returns me an error. I've checked npm and I have the last version of steam-user. Is it uncompatible with node-steam? var ids = steamids.map(function(id) { ^ TypeError: steamids.map is not a function at SteamUser.getPersonas (***/node_modules/steam-user/components/friends.js:119:21) P.S:I didn't forget to call the lib: // Requires var Steam = require("steam"), SteamGroups = require("steam-groups"), User = require('steam-user'), util = require("util"), fs = require("fs"), csgo = require("../"), readlineSync = require("readline-sync"), crypto = require("crypto"), pg = require('pg'); // Objects var bot = new Steam.SteamClient(), steamUser = new Steam.SteamUser(bot), steamFriends = new Steam.SteamFriends(bot), steamGroup = new SteamGroups(bot), steamGC = new Steam.SteamGameCoordinator(bot, 730), CSGOCli = new csgo.CSGOClient(steamUser, steamGC, false), advUser = new User();
  14. I am trying to provide a tool that allows the app to login a user, find if a game in the user's library is installed locally or not, and find the location of that installation. It is not real clear to me how to go about doing this or even how to get the information about a particular app in general using the steam node based apis. Can anybody help?
  15. Like for example if a user sends a link with a picture trough steam chat the bot will take that picture and use it as its own [restricted to admin only ofcourse] Is something like this possible if so how?
  16. Hello! I am having an error with my bot about login. I currently have this error. error: Error: RateLimitExceeded at SteamUser._handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\components\logon.js:320:16) at SteamUser._handleMessage (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\components\messages.js:198:29) at emitThree (events.js:102:20) at CMClient.emit (events.js:175:7) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:278:8) at CMClient.handlers.(anonymous function) (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:386:8) at CMClient._netMsgReceived (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\cm_client.js:260:24) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at TCPConnection.emit (events.js:169:7) at TCPConnection._readPacket (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\CombinedBot\node_modules\steam-user\node_modules\steam-client\lib\tcp_connection.js:73:7) Can anyone tell me what Rate Limit is ? And also, how can I avoid exceeding it in the future? Steam is not letting me login to that account from my ip, i've waited about an hour since last attempt and still got disconnected. Also, my code here could help. function LogOn() { client.setOption("promptSteamGuardCode", false); client.logOn({ "accountName": secondconfig.username, "password": secondconfig.password }); client.on("error", function(error){ logger.error(error); }); client.on("webSession", function(steamID, cookies) { community.setCookies(cookies); steamTrade.sessionID = cookies[0].split("=")[1]; cookies.forEach(function(cookie) { steamTrade.setCookie(cookie); }) SteamTotp.steamID = steamID; community.startConfirmationChecker(2500, secondconfig.identitysecret); }) client.on("steamGuard", function(domain, callback, lastCodeWrong) { if(lastCodeWrong) { logger.warn("Last Code was Wrong... trying again!"); } var shared_secret = secondconfig.sharedsecret; callback(SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(shared_secret)); }); // Bot started, set up trade offer with steam api key client.on("loggedOn", function(details){ logger.info("Logged onto Steam! With the SteamID of " + client.steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); client.setPersona(Steam.EPersonaState.Online); client.gamesPlayed(440); //webLogOn(); }); } LogOn(); I made LogOn(); into a method, because I want to be able to restart the bot via a message from a user like !restart. You can see that code here steamFriends.on('friendMsg', function(id, msg, type) { if(type == Steam.EChatEntryType.ChatMsg){ switch(msg) { case "!help": steamFriends.sendMessage(id, "Hello! I'm an bot that buys Mann Co. Audition Reels and Mann Co. Directors Cut Reels!"); break; case "!restart": logger.info('Restarting Bot!'); steamFriends.sendMessage(id, "Restarting in 3 seconds..."); client.logOff(); setTimeout(LogOn, 3000); } } }); When I called the !restart command, the bot stopped, then attempted to login, and I got my Last Code Wrong warning about 10-15 times before the bot got the rate limit error. What can I do ?
  17. Hey, I need to use a function from node-steam-user (adding friend). How can I log in on steam-user using node-steamcommunity? I don't see in the wiki any setcookie option, is there any easy option in this package or I have to log in manually?
  18. I'm using the Doctor McKay library for login and trade starting, but I am then using seishun's steam-trade to automate trading. Here's my current code. client.on("tradeRequest", function(steamID, respond) { logger.info("Incoming Trade Request from " + steamID.getSteam3RenderedID()); respond(true); }) client.on("tradeStarted", function(steamID) { steamTrade.open(JSON.stringify(steamID)); }) steamTrade.on('offerChanged', function(added, item) { console.log('they ' + (added ? 'added ' : 'removed ')); console.log(item); for(var i = 0; i < steamTrade.themAssets.length; i++) { console.log(steamTrade.themAssets[i]); } }); When I log the item , the console prints out undefined and returns an error. (I assume this means the item is undefined?) Seishun told me that the reason this happens is because the tradeStarted event returns steamID as an object, not a string? I thought the JSON.stringify would convert this object to a string, but obviously I am mistaken? C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\index.js:208 return self._themInventories[item.appid][item.contextid][item.assetid]; ^ TypeError: Cannot read property '2' of undefined at C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\index.js:208:47 at Array.map (native) at SteamTrade._onTradeStatusUpdate (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\index.js:206:72) at Request._callback (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\index.js:244:10) at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\node_modules\request\request.js:187:22) at emitTwo (events.js:87:13) at Request.emit (events.js:172:7) at Request.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Richard\Desktop\Steam\NodeJS\GlitchedTurtleBot\node_modules\steam-trade\node_modules\request\request.js:1044:10) at emitOne (events.js:77:13) at Request.emit (events.js:169:7)
  19. friends.on("friendMsg", function(user, msg, type, details){ if(type == Steam.EChatEntryType.ChatMsg){ if(msg == "invite"){ client.on("getSteamLevels", function(user, callback){ client.getSteamLevels(user, callback) callback(results); if(results >= 10){ client.inviteUserToGroup(user, "steamgroupidhere") } }); } } }); Thats my code.Whats wrong it with?
  20. Title, I am trying to use steam-user with csgo, https://github.com/joshuaferrara/node-csgo.
  21. Hello, steam-user docs has Event error At the same time, logon.js component is throwing errors during logOn calls if(this.client.loggedOn) { throw new Error("Already logged on, cannot log on again"); }There are couple of places (2? 3?) where Error is thrown. Why this discrepancy? It feels like some of the Error could be emitted, thus allowing client (as client == developer) handle them in the way they prefer. Right now I would have to wrap calls to logOn in try catch. Do I miss use case here? Thank you!
  22. I am using steam-user for steam session on my bot. my app listening event webSession. But sometime session had been expired, but event not emit. And for every offer i get error (HTTP 401 e.g.) I wanna gather all error (401 and etc.) and if i get this error on callback for offer - to make force relogin. My way of thinking is right?
  23. hey i wanted to ask how i use the SteamGameCoordinator like in node-steam (https://github.com/seishun/node-steam/tree/master/lib/handlers/game_coordinator)
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