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Found 5 results

  1. i want to get the number of friends of a particular person. that's exactly how can i do it.
  2. Hello. How i can check if a Steam API Key is valid or not? Is there any function or maybe is based by API Key characters?
  3. Hello. Is there a way to get the owner of steam API Key, I means to get some informations about the owner of steam API Key like steam id or name? Or maybe something to check if a Steam API Key it's his own (SeamID). Something like: http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamUser/GetPlayerSummaries/v0002/?key=' + ApiKey + '&steamids=' + SteamID
  4. When getting a server's data (using `getServerList()` for instance) there's a steamid key looking like: { "steamid": { "universe": 1, "type": 4, "instance": 14996, "accountid": 3841673219 }, } I am wondering how reliable is this to identify a single server ? If, for example, I start a game server on some host and later move it to another one (meaning moving all of the files related to this game server, using the same Steam account etc...) will this Steam ID remain unchanged ? Basically, I'm trying to track servers changing addresses / hosts and I'm not sure this is actually something I can do reliably.
  5. Hey there, So basically I need to get the steam id to make sure a user does not exploit a system. But for easy of use I chose to use tradeofferurls for users, but how do I get the steamid from the tradeofferurl?
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