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Found 2 results

  1. I'm trying to reconnect the user and I'm handling all possible errors. As you can see in the logs, the first module I wrote in the stack trace is `SteamAccountClient.login()`, which calls `client.logOn() (a method from steam-user)` This image shows the code for `SteamAccountClient.login()`. It's wrapping `client.logOn()` in a try-catch block, so no error should've be thrown. I noticed an internal use of the `logOn()` method within a timeout, but without any try-catch block. This could be why my app is crashing, even though it's shown in the stack trace.
  2. Hi, what is the best method for relogin to bot if e.g. on NoConnection disconnect. e.g. 1st step login with steam-sessions and save refreshToken 2nd step login to steam-client with refreshToken and save loginKey 3rd step if NoConnection disconnect use login key or refreshToken and how long alive refreshToken and how to regenerate ? only relogin w/ steam-session, if steam-client throw InvalidPassword
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