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Error in Trade when changing stock values

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i have been trying to get my steam bot to do automatic buy and selling meaning that it has a stock management system and i almost got one that i created from messing around in nodejs i got it it runs the only thing i am having trouble with is an error a friend told me it might be a bug i was wandering if anyone knows what the error means



{ Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, write errno: -4083, code: 'EBADF', syscall: 'write' }


does not stop the code it keeps going and accepts ust it has that as if it was part of the console.log command


also i used jsonfile npm and colors npm modules


Here is the full part of it

function processOffer(offer) {
	if (offer.isGlitched() || offer.state === 11) {
		console.log("[".green+h+":".cyan+m+":".cyan+s+"] ".green+"Offer was glitched, declining.");
	} else if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === config.ownerID) {
	} else {
		var ourItems = offer.itemsToGive;
		var theirItems = offer.itemsToReceive;
		var ourValue = 0;
		var theirValue = 0;
		var currentstock = 0;
		var StockLimit = 0;
		for (var i in ourItems) {
			var item = ourItems[i].market_name;
			if (stock[item]){
				currentstock = stock[item].instock;
				StockLimit = stock[item].stocklimit;
				if (fs.readFileSync('.//settings/Stock/stock.json')){
				console.log(timestamp+"Our " +item+" - stock number: " +currentstock+ " / " +StockLimit+ ".")
				if (currentstock < StockLimit){
					if(Prices[item]) {
					ourValue += Prices[item].sell;
					} else if (MetalPrices[item]){
					ourValue += MetalPrices[item].sell;
				} else {
					console.log(timestamp+"Invalid Value.");
					ourValue += 99999;
			} else if (currentstock >= StockLimit){
				console.log(timestamp+item +" Stock Limit Reached")
					manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{
					if (adminConfig.disableAdminComments == "Enable") {
						community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), item+ " - Stock Limit Reached", (err)=>{
							if(err) throw err.message
		for(var i in theirItems) {
			var item= theirItems[i].market_name;
			if (stock[item]){
				currentstock = stock[item].instock;
				StockLimit = stock[item].stocklimit;
				console.log(timestamp+"The " +item+" - stock number: " +currentstock+ " / " +StockLimit+ ".")
				if (currentstock < StockLimit){
					if(Prices[item]) {
					theirValue += Prices[item].buy;
					} else if (MetalPrices[item]){
					theirValue += MetalPrices[item].buy;
					} else {
					console.log(timestamp+"Invalid Value.");
					theirValue += 99999;
				} else if (currentstock >= StockLimit){
						console.log(timestamp+item +" Stock Limit Reached")
						manager.on('receivedOfferChanged', (offer)=>{
						community.postUserComment(offer.partner.toString(), item+ " Stock Limit Reached", (err)=>{
							if(err) throw err.message
console.log(timestamp+"Our value: "+ourValue);
console.log(timestamp+"Their value: "+theirValue);

	if (ourValue <= theirValue) {
		if (config.DevCode == "True"){
			if (DevCodeCFG.Enable_Dev_Stock_Manager== "True"){
				for (var i in ourItems) {
					var item = ourItems[i].market_name;
						if (stock[item]){
							var file = (stock[item].instock);
							var obj = math.subtract(currentstock, 1)
							jsonfile.writeFile(file, function (err) {
					console.log(timestamp+' The file has been saved!');
				for (var i in theirItems) {
					var item = theirItems[i].market_name;
						if (stock[item]){
							var file = (stock[item].instock);
							var obj = math.add(currentstock, 1)
							jsonfile.writeFile(file, obj, function (err) {
						console.log(timestamp+' The file has been saved!');
		} else if (ourValue > theirValue){
		console.log(timestamp+"Their value was different.")

If you want to try out my steam bot i got so far it is at github at github.com/LonsterMonster/Steam-Trade-Node-Bot

you have to enable the developer options becasue i didnt want anyone to use the stock management that didnt know what they were doing since it is incomplete

Edited by Lonster_Monster
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