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Posted (edited)

Edit : skip straight to the bottom

Hello, I've never used nodejs, don't know js but i'd still like to do a very simple "bot" that would accept all incoming trade. Can someone help me on that pls ?
I master C and python tho. I've made a python bot that auto withdraw certains items from a website, and my last step to full auto bot is auto accepting trades. I could have made that with the steam api, but I don't want to use it as it can flags my account as a bot, and therefore tradeban me.

Edited by egeant94
Posted (edited)

I tried to do it by myself, and how convinient, on steam-user readme there is some examples, including the accepting traderequest.

Unfortunatly, it doens't work for me :(
I simply copy pastedsome stuff from examples, the Friend message works perfectly, same for the logged in (and it displayed tf2 before I deleted this line)
But the traderequest acceptor doesn't work, it nevers enter into this part.
I tried sending traderequest before launching the .js, during the program, nothing makes it react. Is there something wrong with my code ? 


Edited by Dr. McKay
Removed screenshot containing password

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