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Testing new login system with api (at this time old login system works fine)
Attached 2 methods from bot class. I think general problem arises on PollAuthSessionStatus.
I never got access_token prop with i think JWT for https://login.steampowered.com/jwt/finalizelogin
Maybe someone know what i made wrong
Some info in code comments

async sendRequest(url, body = {}, method = 'GET', headers = {}, fetchOptions = {}){
        let createSteamQueryStringBody = (body) => {
            if(Object.keys(body).length == 0)
                return ``

            let newBody = ``
            for(let key in body){
                if(typeof body[key] == 'object')
                    body[key] = JSON.stringify(body[key])
                newBody += `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(body[key])}&`

            return `?${newBody}`.slice(1, -1)

        let requestOptions = {
            headers: {
                'content-type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'

        if(this.proxy && this.proxy.includes('http')){
            requestOptions['agent'] = new httpsProxyAgent(this.proxy)

        if(method != 'GET')
            requestOptions.body = createSteamQueryStringBody(body)

        requestOptions.method = method
        requestOptions.headers = Object.assign(requestOptions.headers, headers)

        requestOptions = {...requestOptions, ...fetchOptions}
        let response = await fetch(url, requestOptions)
        return response

async setupSessionNew(){
        try {
            //generating and setup default cookies for session
            let sessionID = generateSessionID()
            let sessionIDCookie = `sessionid=${sessionID}`
            let responseCookies = await this.sendRequest('https://steamcommunity.com/login', {}, 'GET', {cookies: `${sessionIDCookie}`})
            let cookies = this.getSetCookieHeaderCookies(responseCookies.headers.raw()['set-cookie'])

            //create default headers 
            let headers = {cookie: cookies.join(';'), "referer": "https://steamcommunity.com/"}

            //getting rsa
            let responseRSA = await this.sendRequest(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/GetPasswordRSAPublicKey/v1/?account_name=${this.login}`, {}, 'GET', {cookie: cookies.join(';'), "referer": "https://steamcommunity.com/login"})
            let jsonRSA = await responseRSA.json()

            let key = new RSA()
            key.setPublic(jsonRSA.response.publickey_mod, jsonRSA.response.publickey_exp)

            //begin auth session
            let json = {
                device_friendly_name: '',
                encrypted_password: hex2b64(key.encrypt(this.password)),
                account_name: this.login,
                encryption_timestamp: jsonRSA.response.timestamp,
                platform_type: 'WebBrowser'

            let responseAuthBegin = await this.sendRequest(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/BeginAuthSessionViaCredentials/v1/`, json, 'POST', headers)
            let jsonAuthBegin = await responseAuthBegin.json()

            //this is default response for begin
            //jsonAuthBegin { 
            //     response: {
            //          client_id: '1668888137126125xxxx',
            //          request_id: 'xxxxxAVTm7NzQF56pk3q5A==',
            //          interval: 5,
            //          allowed_confirmations: [ { confirmation_type: 3 } ],
            //          steamid: '76561199217xxxxxx'
            //     }

            //updating twofa code 
            json = {
                client_id: jsonAuthBegin.response.client_id,
                steamid: this.steamID,
                code: steamTotp.getAuthCode(this.shared),
                code_type: 'DeviceCode'

            let responseSteamGuard = await this.sendRequest(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/UpdateAuthSessionWithSteamGuardCode/v1`, json, 'POST', headers)
            let jsonSteamGuard = await responseSteamGuard.json()

            //this is default response for update (protobuf response - empty)
            //jsonSteamGuard { response: {} }

            //poll auth status by ids
            json = {
                client_id: jsonAuthBegin.response.client_id,
                request_id: jsonAuthBegin.response.request_id

            setInterval(async () => {
                let responsePoll = await this.sendRequest(`https://api.steampowered.com/IAuthenticationService/PollAuthSessionStatus/v1/`, json, 'POST', headers)
                let jsonPoll = await responsePoll.json()

                //jsonPoll { response: { had_remote_interaction: false } }
                //sometimes got {new_client_id, new_challenge_url} 
                //never got response with {refresh_token and access_token}
            }, 5000)
        } catch (error) {

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