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VACCheckTimedOut from OnValidateAuthTicketResponse when validating session ticket


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I'm using https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user lib to generate session tickets for specific game in steam.

Flow on my client is simple: 

client.gamesPlayed(target_game_appId, true)
let ticketToken = await act_acc.steamClient.createAuthSessionTicket(target_game_appId);


Then i send this ticket to my game server, where my custom plugin handles it, with this flow:

SteamServer.BeginAuthSession(ticketToken, steamid);

SteamServer.UpdatePlayer(steamId, username, 0);

After this, i get on server OnValidateAuthTicketResponse event with code 0 - Ok for this steamid.

But after a minute or so, OnValidateAuthTicketResponse event fires agait for same steamid with code 5 - VACCheckTimedOut.

How can i fix this, or why does it happens?

When i joins the server with native game client its working fine, and no second event is fired.

Rodney, help please


Edited by TexHik
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