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Posted (edited)

Hello. I've recently tried to write a script that would let me craft tokens automatically by looking at my inventory, referencing the item schema ID for the item, then grabbing the item ID of 3 specific class weapons to craft it, but when attempting to run "craft([class item, class item, class item])", and the same thing with the recipe ID in it, it returns with -1, a fail. Using the same thing but inputting the schema ID for refined metal, it works perfectly fine, and crafts it into 3 reclaimed.

My question is, is it possible that class and slot tokens are also in the list of items that valve deemed "high-value", and thus are un-craftable with scripts?


My script didn't filter out non-craftable items, and of course that's not gonna work with crafts.

Edited by MrToast
Found solution

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