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Dr. McKay

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  1. Dr. McKay's post in I want my bot to check the user level and then invite him to a group if he is over level 10 but my code doest seem to work was marked as the answer   
    Why are you trying to listen for a getSteamLevels event?
  2. Dr. McKay's post in Error: Cannot find module 'steamcommunity' was marked as the answer   
    Don't install it globally.
  3. Dr. McKay's post in Trade offer expire time was marked as the answer   
    There might be some confusion here. The expires property is Steam's expiration date, which is always 14 days from creation time and can't be changed. cancelTime works independently of it.
  4. Dr. McKay's post in sent Offer remains in state 2 was marked as the answer   
    I'm not sure I 100% understand. Let me clarify a couple things.
    SteamTrades is what you get back from require('steam-tradeoffer-manager'), yes? Are you calling manager.setCookies anywhere? What's your console output?
  5. Dr. McKay's post in Confirmation Error was marked as the answer   
    I believe this is caused by your calling checkConfirmations without having started the confirmation checker first. This isn't supported behavior. Do you want it to be?
  6. Dr. McKay's post in throw Error vs emit Error in steam-user was marked as the answer   
    I throw Errors in steam-user when you do something that you just shouldn't.
    For example, there are no cases where you should be trying to log on when you're already logged on. An Error being thrown basically means that you failed a precondition.
    For example, in the case quoted here, you need to check if you're already logged on before you attempt to log on again.
  7. Dr. McKay's post in SteamGameCoordinator with node-steam-user? was marked as the answer   
    Client = new CMClient(), GC = new SteamGC(client, 730); 
    See a problem in the capitalization here?
  8. Dr. McKay's post in general node.js question was marked as the answer   
    Because you're adding a new listener every single time you request item info.
    Just use the callback and you won't need to worry about it.
  9. Dr. McKay's post in Can't recieve incoming trade offers was marked as the answer   
    There's a reason why you can't supply your own API key. The key it uses must be associated with the Steam account you're using. You can't use another account's key.
    If your account is limited, you'll just have to pay $5.
  10. Dr. McKay's post in [Question] node-globaloffensive was marked as the answer   
    node-globaloffensive is using an option where instead of underscores, you should provide protobuf fields in camelCase. Basically, just remove the underscores and capitalize the next letter.
    However, I've added that functionality in v1.1.0.
  11. Dr. McKay's post in Does manager.setCookies also set community cookies was marked as the answer   
    Yes, it will set cookies on the SteamCommunity instance.
  12. Dr. McKay's post in Trade with limited account was marked as the answer   
    This module absolutely won't work with a limited account.
    You can trade from the website using a limited account, but trying to automate that would be like trying to stab your eye out with a fork. You just don't want to do it.
    Just pay the $5.
  13. Dr. McKay's post in How to get partnerid and accessToken of logged bot? was marked as the answer   
    The "partnerid" is just the accountid part of your SteamID:
    var partnerid = community.steamID.accountid; 
    You can use steam-tradeoffer-manager to get the token.
  14. Dr. McKay's post in miss getEscrowDuration in v2 was marked as the answer   
    It performs the same validation that getEscrowDuration did. That is, you'll get an Error with the same message as before if the token is invalid.
  15. Dr. McKay's post in getReceivedItems error was marked as the answer   
    If you're currently being 429'd, you need to wait at least a couple minutes. And you need to slow down to avoid it in the future.
  16. Dr. McKay's post in Bots without apikey was marked as the answer   
    It will absolutely definitely not work.
  17. Dr. McKay's post in Very important Error was marked as the answer   
    That's a known Steam problem, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
  18. Dr. McKay's post in Offer Id is null was marked as the answer   
    Yes, most certainly. You need to wait for the callback of send().
    I have no idea why it worked before v2. My guess is that it didn't. The code you just posted would never work.
  19. Dr. McKay's post in Callback Error on Sent Function was marked as the answer   
  20. Dr. McKay's post in Tradeoffer Url doesnt Work was marked as the answer   
    Update to v2.
  21. Dr. McKay's post in [Error: Could not act on confirmation] was marked as the answer   
    The tag for accepting needs to be allow, not accept.
  22. Dr. McKay's post in Get New Cookies After They Expire? was marked as the answer   
  23. Dr. McKay's post in How do you deal with timeout (err 16) on tradeoffer send? was marked as the answer   
    There are pretty much two things you can do.
    Cancel unknown offers in unknownOfferSent and hope that the user doesn't accept it before you can cancel it (and if they do, fix it manually) Include some kind of internal identifier in the trade offer message and use that to track offers instead of (or in addition to) the offer ID
  24. Dr. McKay's post in Error: HTTP error 401 was marked as the answer   
    1. Why are you logging in twice?
    2. You can't send the offer until you're logged in. Please research how asynchronous JavaScript works if you don't understand this.
  25. Dr. McKay's post in Get a list of pending friend requests? was marked as the answer   
    Check each SteamID in the myFriends property. If the value is EFriendRelationship.RequestRecipient, then they're a pending friend request.
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