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offer object and the id are provided correctly... for some reason the id of the offer is null.


function sendOffer(offer, id){
var oid = offer.id;
updateTrade("send", id, oid);
function updateTrade(status, id, offerId){
mysqlConnection.query('UPDATE trades SET status = "'+ status +'", offerId = "'+ offerId +'" WHERE id = ' + id, function(err, row, fields) {
console.log("Trade Offer Done");
Edited by pumble
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could it be a problem based on the asynch style of node and the send function takes to long time to set the id ?


but why doest this just happen after ive updated to v2 ?


Yes, most certainly. You need to wait for the callback of send().


I have no idea why it worked before v2. My guess is that it didn't. The code you just posted would never work.

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