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Posts posted by SunriseM

  1. How can I confirm it, I started the confirmation checker when the client gets a web session. I am at school right now so I will post the code of how I thought it was confirmed when I get home.

    If you started the confirmation correctly, offer should be accepted. Also is recommended that you use acceptConfirmationObject instead of starConfirmationChecker. You can read more about it in the steam-community wiki

  2. Change it to

        if (offer.partner.getSteamID64() === Config.admin || offer.itemsToGive.length === 0) {
            logger.info("User "+ offer.partner.getSteam3RenderedID() +" offered a valid trade.  Trying to accept offer.");
            offer.accept(function (err, status) {
            if (err) {
                logger.error("Unable to accept offer "+ offer.id +": " + err.message);
            } else {
                logger.info("Offer Status:", status);

    Check what status outputs.


    Also remember that if its not a "donation offer" you have to confirm the trade after accepting it

  3. Hello. If you showed us what you have tried it would be better, so we can explain you what's wrong with your code. To help you a little: For this i would make a loop  through the inventory, and inside call a function that sends the offer. To get each item you have to use inventory[number].


    If you still can't manage to get it to work, comment here what you tried.


    Also sending so many offers (depending of your inventory size) in a short of time is not a good idea. 

  4. Can you add your login code? That deprecation warning is not normal, Also 3306 port its often used by MySQL servers, so if you are trying to connect to database, its probably that your mysql server is not running or there's a problem in your connection


    var SteamUser = require('steam-user');
    var SteamTotp = require('steam-totp');
    var config = require('./config.json');

    // SaveStrings
    var Username = config.username;
    var Password = config.password;
    // SaveStrings

    var client = new SteamUser();

    //Small fix: Dual-Session Chat, pervents from see Friends offline;
    function SteamPersonaRestart(){client.setPersona(0);client.setPersona(1);}

    "accountName": Username,
    "password": Password,
    "machineName": Username,
    "twoFactorCode": SteamTotp.generateAuthCode(config.Phone_secret)

    client.on('loggedOn', function (details) {
    var sid= "76561198041931474";

    client.on('chatHistory', function(steamid, success, messages){


    nothing appers


    Did you try writing  the client.on('chatHistory',..) part before client.getChatHistory?

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