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Everything posted by Gues_t

  1. Is there any way I can bind the local address using steam-session?
  2. What then is used instead?
  3. It does not generate a sentry file when logged into the account. Event 'sentry' does not return anything. The 'rememberPassword' parameter is on, dataDirectory is prescribed. What can this be connected to? Everything was working fine before.
  4. Steam did not want to give the sentry because the mail was not confirmed
  5. Okey it's my problem. I solved it. But sentry.bin still no. I checked, such a problem only on some accounts
  6. Some sentries saved in %localappdata%\doctormckay\node-steamuser. but now they’re not even saved there too
  7. Previously, everything worked and remained. now does not want to save the file. rememberPassword is on
  8. How can i get Account id in uint32?
  9. How i can use it https://github.com/DoctorMcKay/node-steam-user/blob/c57b5cae748814d134ff1c8269fbb93d2852b568/protobufs/steammessages_inventory.steamclient.proto
  10. Yes, i know. But can i use it? I can use steamID, but when in user other (summary, name and etc), it shows ne “undefinedâ€
  11. community.profileSettings({ "image": aimage, "format": "jpg" }, function(err) { if (err) { console.log("Error to set profile"); console.log(err); } else { console.log("Profile avatar has been changed"); console.log(url); } }); It is writing thar "Profile avatar has been changed", but it's not like that
  12. Gues_t


    How can i get steamid after login?
  13. I need get steamid after login in acc. How can i do this?
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